# tdd-katas
This is a evolutionary repository to practice tdd-katas, you can se the evolution of the code in the commits.
Katas Todo
- Roman Numbers
- Fizz and Buzz
- If number is multiple of three and five return FizzBuzz
- If number is multiple of three return Fizz
- If number is multiple of five return Buzz
- Otherwise return the number
- Greeter
- Write a Greeter class with greet function that receives a name as input and outputs Hello . The signature of greet should not change throughout the kata. You are allowed to construct Greeter object as you please.
- Greet trims the input
- Greet capitalizes the first letter of the name
- Greet returns Good morning when the time is 06:00-12:00
- Greet returns Good evening when the time is 18:00-22:00
- Greet returns Good night when the time is 22:00-06:00
If you want to see the commit history you can use tools like Sourcetree (very clear in the moment of see commit history) or GitHub Desktop