
Tools for setting up LoRaWAN Gateways based on RaspberryPI with different LoRa concentrators (iC980A/RHF0M301/RAK831)

Primary LanguageShell



This script is used to install all necessary software packages on a Raspberry PI for building up a LoRaWAN Gateway in conjunction with a connected LoRa Concentrator (iC980-SPI, RHF0M301-SPI, RAK831-SPI or any other by manual setup). If there was any wrong input you can re run the script to update any settings.

Run the script in command line:

      sudo bash  LoRa-GW-Installer.sh

The script creates a source folder “lora” inside the directory where the installer script is executed. Inside of that “lora” folder the official github projects packet_forwarder and lora_gateway are cloned and build before a configuration menu appears. Below an example setup:

------ Configuration ------

Choose LoRa Concentrator from list:

<1> iC980A-SPI
<2> RHF0M301-SPI
<3> RAK831-SPI
<4> Another one. Manual setup required.

Please enter number: 2

-> The script now creates a start script (./lora/start_lora_gateway.sh) that is used to reset the LoRa concentrator at startup before running the packet-forwarder. Here depending on the used LoRa Concentrator a different reset pin has to be defined. It’s the pin at the RPI where the reset pin of the LoRa Concentrator is connected to. Manual setup (option 4) would lead to the following configuration options:

------ Manual setup ------

Name of LoRa concentrator:

GPIO pin of Raspberry PI where concentrator reset pin is connected to:

------ Setting up for My-LoRa-Concentrator concentrator ------

The configuration then asks for the region of the Gateway. Currently only EU868 and US915 regions are supported:

------ Setting up for RHF0M301-SPI concentrator ------

Choose frequency band / region of Gateway:
<1> US915
<2> EU868
Please enter number: 1

------ Setting up US915 region ------

After choosing the frequency band the corresponding global conf with the frequency patterns is copied from ./lora/packet_forwarder/lora_pkt_fwd/cfg/ to ./lora/packet_forwarder/lora_pkt_fwd/global_conf.json

Then enter the connection details to connect the Gateway to the LoRaWAN Network server:

IP/URL of LoRaWAN-Server:
LoRaWAN-Server UP Port:
LoRaWAN-Server DOWN Port:
Creating lorawan-gateway.service file in /etc/systemd/system/
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/lorawan-gateway.service → /etc/systemd/system/lorawan-gateway.service.

 To start the LoRa Gateway please run the following command in a terminal:
  > gw_start
 or use the created service to run it in the background:
  > sudo service lorawan-gateway start
  > sudo service lorawan-gateway stop
  > sudo service lorawan-gateway status
 Configuration files are located in:
  /usr/bin/start_lora_gateway.sh [SERVICE]
  /home/pi/lora/start_lora_gateway.sh [TERMINAL APP]


This script is used to change the channel configuration the LoRa Gateway is using for listening to LoRaWAN devices. Copy the script to the /lora/packet_forwarder/lora_pkt_fwd/ folder where global_conf.json file is located.

Run it specifying the [CHANNEL_CONF] as well as the [BAND_REGION] parameter.


      sudo bash LoRa-GW-Channel-Setup.sh [CHANNEL_CONF] [BAND_REGION]
 [CHANNEL_CONF]      ID of channel group, see tables below.
 [BAND_REGION]       US915 or EU868 (currently only support for US915 and EU868 region)


          sudo bash LoRa-GW-Channel-Setup.sh 0 US915
          sudo bash LoRa-GW-Channel-Setup.sh 1 EU868

Below you can find a table to identify the correct [CHANNEL_CONF] parameter used to setup a specific channel group (setup_freq_0 and setup_freq_1 are the frequency parameters that are written in the global_conf.json file to setup the corresponding channel group.):


CHANNEL_CONF setup_freq_0 setup_freq_1 Channel_1 Channel_2 Channel_3 Channel_4 Channel_5 Channel_6 Channel_7 Channel_8
0 902700000 903400000 902300000 902500000 902700000 902900000 903100000 903300000 903500000 903700000
1 904300000 905000000 903900000 904100000 904300000 904500000 904700000 904900000 905100000 905300000
2 905900000 906600000 905500000 905700000 905900000 906100000 906300000 906500000 906700000 906900000
3 907500000 908200000 907100000 907300000 907500000 907700000 907900000 908100000 908300000 908500000
4 909100000 909800000 908700000 908900000 909100000 909300000 909500000 909700000 909900000 910100000
5 910700000 911400000 910300000 910500000 910700000 910900000 911100000 911300000 911500000 911700000
6 912300000 913000000 911900000 912100000 912300000 912500000 912700000 912900000 913100000 913300000
7 913900000 914600000 913500000 913700000 913900000 914100000 914300000 914500000 914700000 914900000


CHANNEL_CONF setup_freq_0 setup_freq_1 Channel_1 Channel_2 Channel_3 Channel_4 Channel_5 Channel_6 Channel_7 Channel_8
0 867500000 868500000 867100000 867300000 867500000 867700000 867900000 868100000 868300000 868500000
1 869100000 870100000 868700000 868900000 869100000 869300000 869500000 869700000 869900000 870100000


This script is used to modify the channel setup periodically for scanning purposes. Please verify that the script runs inside the /lora/packet_forwarder/lora_pkt_fwd/ folder where global_conf.json file is located!


      sudo bash Continuous-Channel-Switch.sh [OPTIONS]

		Time interval between each channel switch. [NUM][s/m/h/d] (seconds, minutes, hours or days)
        	-t=1m (for one minute interval)
                -t=3h (for three hour interval)
                --time_interval=7d (for seven days interval)

		LoRaWAN region / frequency band that the gateway is operating in.
                -b=US915 (US915 region, 902-928MHz)
                -band=EU868 (EU868 region, 863-870MHz)

		List of channel configurations. '0': channels 0-7, '1': channels 8-15, ...

		Service that runs packet_forwarder and needs to be restarted to effect the changes of new channel setup, default service name is 'lorawan-gateway' if no parameter is set.


      sudo bash Continuous-Channel-Switch.sh -t=1d -c=0,1,2,3 -b=US915
      sudo bash Continuous-Channel-Switch.sh -t=5h -c=0,1 -s=my-own-gw-service -b=EU868


This script is used to create cronjobs to schedule channel configuration updates on the gateway. Purpose of that solution is to avoid time drifts that occur when using the Continuous-Channel-Switch.sh script, it's just a minor drift of milliseconds per channel update, but if you plan to scan for a larger time period with lots of channel switches then this drift could cause problems. So setting up cronjobs is a nice way to handle that issue. Furthermore using cronjobs, scheduling channel switches continues after a reboot and you don't have to worry about restarting a script like when using the Continuous-Channel-Switch.sh script. Please verify that the script runs inside the /lora/packet_forwarder/lora_pkt_fwd/ folder where global_conf.json file is located and that you also have the LoRa-GW-Channel-Setup.sh script in that folder as it's used to update the channel configuration when running the cronjob! Important: When running that script, previous crontab entries persist and aren't deleted. So when running that script multiple times, make sure to remove old unused entries.


      sudo bash Cronjob-Channel-Switch.sh [OPTIONS]

		Time interval between each channel switch. [NUM][m/h/d] (minutes, hours or days)
        	-t=1m (for one minute interval)
                -t=3h (for three hour interval)
                --time_interval=7d (for seven days interval)

		LoRaWAN region / frequency band that the gateway is operating in.
                -b=US915 (US915 region, 902-928MHz)
                -band=EU868 (EU868 region, 863-870MHz)

		List of channel configurations. '0': channels 0-7, '1': channels 8-15, ...

		Service that runs packet_forwarder and needs to be restarted to effect the changes of new channel setup, default service name is 'lorawan-gateway' if no parameter is set.


      sudo bash Cronjob-Channel-Switch.sh -t=1d -c=0,1,2,3 -b=US915
      sudo bash Cronjob-Channel-Switch.sh -t=5h -c=0,1 -s=my-own-gw-service -b=EU868

Examples with console output:

Configurating Gateway to switch between channel groups 0,1,2,3 every 15 minutes for US915 band:

pi@LoRaWAN_GW:~/lora/packet_forwarder/lora_pkt_fwd $ sudo bash Cronjob-Channel-Switch.sh -t=15m -c=0,1,2,3 -b=US915
===== LoRa GW Cronjob Channel Switch =====
........ Version 1.1 2019-04-19 ..........
........ sebascheibe@github.com ..........

Add new cron jobs:
0-59/60 * * * *  /bin/bash /home/pi/lora/packet_forwarder/lora_pkt_fwd/LoRa-GW-Channel-Setup.sh 0 US915 && sudo service lorawan-gateway restart
15-59/60 * * * *  /bin/bash /home/pi/lora/packet_forwarder/lora_pkt_fwd/LoRa-GW-Channel-Setup.sh 1 US915 && sudo service lorawan-gateway restart
30-59/60 * * * *  /bin/bash /home/pi/lora/packet_forwarder/lora_pkt_fwd/LoRa-GW-Channel-Setup.sh 2 US915 && sudo service lorawan-gateway restart
45-59/60 * * * *  /bin/bash /home/pi/lora/packet_forwarder/lora_pkt_fwd/LoRa-GW-Channel-Setup.sh 3 US915 && sudo service lorawan-gateway restart

Done! To review, edit or delete created cron jobs run:

~$ sudo crontab -e

Configurating Gateway to switch between channel groups 0 and 1 every 5 hours for EU868 band:

pi@LoRaWAN_GW:~/lora/packet_forwarder/lora_pkt_fwd $ sudo bash Cronjob-Channel-Switch.sh -t=5h -c=0,1 -b=EU868
===== LoRa GW Cronjob Channel Switch =====
........ Version 1.1 2019-04-19 ..........
........ sebascheibe@github.com ..........

Add new cron jobs:
* 0-23/10 * * *  /bin/bash /home/pi/lora/packet_forwarder/lora_pkt_fwd/LoRa-GW-Channel-Setup.sh 0 EU868 && sudo service lorawan-gateway restart
* 5-23/10 * * *  /bin/bash /home/pi/lora/packet_forwarder/lora_pkt_fwd/LoRa-GW-Channel-Setup.sh 1 EU868 && sudo service lorawan-gateway restart

Done! To review, edit or delete created cron jobs run:

~$ sudo crontab -e
