Range selection widget for Python Tkinter GUI developement in slider widget structure with two handles.
- Range selection
- Vertical as well as horizontal widget
- Option for showing current value of handle
- Customizable handle with default circular handle offering color choice or using image as handle
- Ability to bind a tkinter variable, making it easier to check for slider movement
- Custom font and position for value text
- Customizable value precision
- Custom suffix option
- Many others...
Importing required sliders
For horizontal RangeSlider:
from RangeSlider.RangeSlider import RangeSliderH
For vertical RangeSlider:
from RangeSlider.RangeSlider import RangeSliderV
For both horizontal and vertical RangeSlider:
from RangeSlider.RangeSlider import RangeSliderH, RangeSliderV
Creating RangeSlider widget:
from tkinter.ttk import *
from tkinter import as tk
root = tk.Tk()
hVar1 = DoubleVar() #left handle variable
hVar2 = DoubleVar() #right handle variable
rs1 = RangeSliderH( root , [hVar1, hVar2] ) #horizontal
rs1.pack() # or grid or place method could be used
vVar1 = DoubleVar() #bottom handle variable
vVar2 = DoubleVar() #top handle variable
rs2 = RangeSliderV( root, [vVar1, vVar2] ) #vertical
rs2.pack() # or grid or place method could be used
Getting current value
print ( rs1.getValues() ) #return type list of format [ left handle value, right handle value ]
print ( rs2.getValues() ) #return type list of format [ bottom handle value, top handle value ]
Callback on value change
def doSomething():
print ('I was called.')
hVar1.trace_add('w', doSomething)
hVar2.trace_add('w', doSomething)
vVar1.trace_add('w', doSomething)
vVar2.trace_add('w', doSomething)
For RangeSliderH:
Attribute | Default Value | Acceptable Value(s) |
master | N/A | parent like Tk instance, TopLevel, or Frame etc. |
variables | N/A | list of DoubleVar of length two in order of left handle and right handle |
Width | 400 | width of widget in px |
Height | 80 | height of widget in px |
min_val | 0 | minimum value |
max_val | 1 | maximum value |
padX | 3 | padding from both left and right in px |
image_anchorR | CENTER | anchor value for right handle if image is used as handle - N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW, CENTER |
image_anchorL | CENTER | anchor value for left handle if image is used as handle - N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW, CENTER |
imageL | None | PhotoImage instance for imaged left handle |
imageR | None | PhotoImage instance for imaged right handle |
auto | True | True for automatic circular colored handle, False for imaged handle |
line_width | 3 | width of widget track in px |
bar_radius | 10 | radius of outer circle of handle |
bar_color_inner | '#5c8a8a' | hex value of color for inner circle in string format |
bar_color_outer | '#c2d6d6' | hex value of color for inner circle in string format |
line_s_color | '#0a50ff' | hex value of color for selected portion for widget track in string format |
line_color | '#476b6b' | hex value of color for unselected portion for widget track in string format |
bgColor | '#ffffff' | hex value of color for background of widget in string format |
show_value | True | True if current value of handle are intended; otherwise False |
digit_precision | '.1f' | precision format for shown value |
valueSide | 'TOP' | 'TOP' if shown value intended above the handle or 'BOTTOM' if shown value intended below the handle |
font_family | 'Times' | font family ( all font families supported by tkinter are acceptable ) |
font_size | 16 | font size in pt |
suffix | "" | suffix for shown value |
For RangeSliderV:
Attribute | Default Value | Acceptable Value(s) |
master | N/A | parent like Tk instance, TopLevel, or Frame etc. |
variables | N/A | list of DoubleVar of length two in order of lower handle and upper handle |
Width | 80 | width of widget in px |
Height | 400 | height of widget in px |
min_val | 0 | minimum value |
max_val | 1 | maximum value |
padY | 3 | padding from both top and bottom in px |
image_anchorU | CENTER | anchor value for upper handle if image is used as handle - N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW, CENTER |
image_anchorL | CENTER | anchor value for lower handle if image is used as handle - N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW, CENTER |
imageL | None | PhotoImage instance for imaged lower handle |
imageU | None | PhotoImage instance for imaged upper handle |
auto | True | True for automatic circular colored handle, False for imaged handle |
line_width | 3 | width of widget track in px |
bar_radius | 10 | radius of outer circle of handle |
bar_color_inner | '#5c8a8a' | hex value of color for inner circle in string format |
bar_color_outer | '#c2d6d6' | hex value of color for inner circle in string format |
line_s_color | '#0a50ff' | hex value of color for selected portion for widget track in string format |
line_color | '#476b6b' | hex value of color for unselected portion for widget track in string format |
bgColor | '#ffffff' | hex value of color for background of widget in string format |
show_value | True | True if current value of handle are intended; otherwise False |
digit_precision | '.1f' | precision format for shown value |
valueSide | 'TOP' | 'TOP' if shown value intended above the handle or 'BOTTOM' if shown value intended below the handle |
font_family | 'Times' | font family ( all font families supported by tkinter are acceptable ) |
font_size | 16 | font size in pt |
suffix | "" | suffix for shown value |
Additional Notes for attributes
- if show_value is False, digit_precision, valueSide, font_family, font_size and suffix have no effect
- if auto is True, imageL, imageU, image_anchorL, image_anchorR and image_anchorU have no effect
- if auto is False, bar_radius, bar_color_inner, bar_color_outer have no effect
Exceptions raised
Condition | Exception |
if auto is True and either imageL or imageU or imageR or combination out of three is also given | Exception raised: "Can't decide if to use auto shape or images!" |
if auto is False and one of the image handles is missing | Exception raised: "Handle for one image missing." |
if auto is False and dimensions for both handles provided are not same | Exception raised : "Image dimensions incompatible, both handles should have same height and width respectively." |
if Width or Height or padX or padY are not sufficient to render the widget with all features visible safely | Exception raised : |
This is the first version of this library. It is one of its kind widget for tkinter. When I was developing a tool for my college project I found that at the time no inbuilt or external tool is available for tkinter allowing range selection. However, range selection is a high demand tool specially for applications dealing with data visualizations. I would appreciate any developer from any community who wants to contribute to this project.
Being a graduation student, I am unable to work over it for long. I will try to release next version having more features as soon as possible.