
This is a little challenge for you. Complete it If you want to be part of our team.


We are looking for a new members for our team. So, in order to know you a little bit we have created a challenge.

Our challenge

We are looking to a way that allows us to fetch our favorites movies from omdbapi, and mark them as favourites.


  • The app must have a basic form with a "search field" and a button "search"
  • When a user completes the movie name (or part of it) in the field "search field" an press the button "search". The app must connect to http://www.omdbapi.com/, fetch and display the results.
  • Every result must have a button to mark (or remove) them as favourite in our database.
  • The favourites movies must have their own view as a list.

The rules 👀

  • Fork this repository and create a PR
  • Use any framework and language as you want
  • You can use any kind of platform to deploy (if you want) i.e.: heroku, gcp, aws, vps etc.
  • You should give us a URL to view the result (duh).


  • You have 6 days as maximum but if you need more time, don't worry push your changes! is more important the quality.