This repository holds my custom configurations for my BSPWM environment on Arch Linux. They are provided for reference or adaptation according to individual preferences.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

🐧 Arch Linux WM Installation Script.

WM config for Archlinux with zsh, tmux, starship, neovim, kitty, feh, dusnt, ly, bspwm, sxhkd, polybar, picom & rofi

This shell script is designed to automate the initial setup of a working environment on Arch Linux with the BSPWM window manager. It installs necessary packages and performs configurations to get the environment ready for use.


🚀 Installation


  • A Nerd Font installed and enabled in your terminal the following sources are used for this installation .
Font Download URl
JetBrains Mono NF Download here
IosevkaTerm NF Download here
Sarasa Fixed J NF


  • Clone this repository to your Arch Linux system. git clone https://github.com/sebasruiz09/dotfiles.git

  • Navigate to the project directory.

  • Give execute permission to the installation script. chmod +x ./install.sh

  • The script will install necessary packages, configure BSPWM, and apply default configurations for various tools such as Zsh, Rofi, etc.

  • modify the output of your monitors in the file ~/.config/bspwm/bspwmrc

  • execute xrandr -q and change the monitor value in the ~/.config/polybar/config.ini

  • Reboot your system or start the graphical session.

  • Select BSPWM as your window manager and enjoy your configured environment.

optional step

  • if you want the neovim configuration git clone https://github.com/sebasruiz09/nvim.git in user/.config directory


  • In case Polybar doesn't run as expected, check its logs and the monitor's output , Execute polybar

  • Monitor the output for any error messages or issues that may help diagnose the problem.

  • In case any of the loaded modules doesn't work, compare the properties indicated there with those of your computer

❤️ Appearance





rofi menus

screenshot screenshot

📝 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details. Feel free to modify and distribute the code as per the terms of the MIT License.