🧰 Cost-Optimization-Factory

Welcome to the cost optimization workbook.

The objective of this workbook is to provide a comprehensive overview of the cost posture of your Azure environment. It offers cost-relevant insights aligned with the WAF Cost Optimization pillar and has the capability to identify and apply recommendations to optimize costs.

This workbook has the following tabs Get Started, Compute, Azure Hybrid Benefit, Storage, Networking.

Cost Optimization workbook Welcome page showing all the other tabs.

Workbook Overview

To learn more about each workbook query and how to work with each one of them, go to the workbook overview page.

List of Queries

We have documented the source code of each of the queries. Here are the shortlinks for every one of them:

👩‍💻 Contributing

There are many ways to participate. From reporting bugs and requesting features or even making code changes. See the contribution guide ➡️

Change Log

Stay up to date with the workbook latest changes and improvements:

Change Log

Version Date Description
v1.1.1 20/09/2021 Initial Release
v1.1.2 25/09/2021 Sort resource groups and tags filter alphabetically
v1.1.3 03/10/2021 -Added export button to applicable queries
-Remove developer and express from SQL VMs query
-Fixed typo in overview tab notes
-Linux AHUB-filter RedHat and Suse only
-Added changelog
v1.1.4 20/10/2021 -Fixed bug in performance tab NIC drop down
-Added subscription filter to performance tab
-Added TimeRange parameter
-Added search filter field for the Resources tagged tile in the ResourceDetails group under Performance tab
-Fixed issue in VMs performance query
Simplified WebApps and AKS queries to avoid throttling
v1.1.5 01/11/2021 -Fixed Tag filter parameters to avoid empty tags in queries
-Fixed tag queries for performance and better results
-Fixed empty queries messages
-Change style of guidance messages
-Fixed bug for unattached IPs reporting with NAT gateways
v1.1.6 24/11/2021 -Show only application gateways with empty backendpools
v1.1.7 27/01/2022 -Fixed bug for unattached IPs reporting with NAT gateways with Tag Filters
-Added check for idle NICs with attached Public IPs
v1.1.8 16/02/2022 -Added untagged resources list
-Added storage account tiers
-Added a link to storage account insights for each legacy storage account
-Added AHUB check for windows VMSS
-Fixed unattached disk query
-Fixed App service query (not showing all apps in a service plan)
-Added "Cost Information" tab
v1.1.9 14/06/2022 - Fixed "unattached disk" query in the cost information tab
v1.2.0 24/07/2022 - Removed FileStorage account type from V2 query
- Added new column in "Cost Information" tab to show total VM cost with AHUB
- Changed VPN metrics aggregation
- Changed column some names
v1.2.1 08/11/2022 - Add Front Door metrics
- Changed cost information billing for VMs without AHUB to TheLastBillingMonth
- Increased row limit to in compute queries
- Updated AKS query to show Spot VMs
- Fixed Linux AHUB query to show RHEL license
- Add subscriptions advisor recommendations
v1.2.2 December/2022 - Minor fix to the Storage Advisor query
v1.3.0 March /2023 - Fixed Cost Information Tab
v2.0.0 March /2023 - Added Azure Hybrid Benefit tab
v2.1.0 July /2023 - Major improvement on filters
-Added quick fix buttons
-Added Idle Virtual Network Gateways query

Workbook v 2.1.0 has been integrated with Azure Advisor