
An opinionated fresh Laravel project to help you get started.

Primary LanguagePHP

Laravel Skeleton

An opinionated fresh Laravel project to help you get started.



This project uses PhpRedis which is 6x faster than the previously default Predis, but it does require you to install the PECL package first (see https://github.com/phpredis/phpredis).


Be sure to check \Modules\Horizon\Providers\HorizonServiceProvider and update the viewHorizon auth gate to determine can or cannot view Horizon in production.


Be sure to check \Modules\Telescope\Providers\TelescopeServiceProvider and update the viewTelescope auth gate to determine can or cannot view Telescope in production.


All dates and times are stored and returned in the UTC timezone.

If you need to store a date/time inputted by the user:

$model->published_at = Carbon::fromDisplayTimezone($request->published_at);

If you need to return a localized date/time:


GitHub workflow

Rename the .github/workflows/deploy.yml.example file to deploy.yml to enable GitHub workflow testing and automatic deploys to Vapor.


This skeleton project has an vapor.yml.example file you can rename to vapor.yml to get started.