Airframe Meteor (FORK)

*This is a fork of the Airframe React project by Tomasz Owczarczyk.


Run npm ci.

Run npm start.


Importing .scss files from .js files will add the css as an inline style and the sourcemap won't work.

To Do

  • redirect to page user was on before being redirected to login page.

Original README:

High Quality Dashboard / Admin / Analytics template that works great on any smartphone, tablet or desktop. Available as Open Source as MIT license.



Airframe Dashboard with a minimalist design and innovative Light UI will let you build an amazing and powerful application with great UI. Perfectly designed for large scale applications, with detailed step by step documentation.

This Airframe project is a typical Webpack based React app, React Router also included together with customised Reacstrap. This project has all of it's few dependencies up to date and it will be updated on a regular basis. This project doesn't support SSR. If you need it - use the NextJs based version.


Airframe Dashboard has a huge collection of components that can be used in a great number of combinations and variations. It can be used in all types of custom web applications such as CRMs, CMSs, Admin Panels, Admin Dashboards, Analytics, etc.

  • 10+ Layout Variations - a multitude of possibilities to rearrange the layout, allows to customize the look of your application just as you imagined.
  • Applications - applications ready, allows you to save time and focus on project development.
  • UI Components - we offer you a large number of UI components; fully ready for changes that will customize them for your needs.
  • Responsive Design - fully adapted to your application, exactly well presented on the desktop, a tablet or smartphone.
  • 120+ Unique Pages designed to make use of them directly in your application.
  • 2 Starters so that you can immediately work with the components that are necessary for your application.