This is a create-react-app (Create React App) with a meteor server using using meteor-client-builder. This is a fork of ReactNativeMeteorBoilerplate.

Why use this over running the Meteor client and server together?

With this it is possible to separate the client and server, allowing the client and server to be hosted in different places.

Quick Start

Install all the dependencies:

$ npm install

Bundle Meteor client:

$ npm run meteor-bundle-client

Start the Meteor server:

$ npm run api

Start the create-react-app:

$ npm start

The meteor server runs on port 3000, and the create-react-app runs on port 3002.

Building the client

We can now build the client and host it anywhere:

$ npm run build

This is WIP, right now it gives the error npm run build fails to minify. Any help is appreciated. See this issue: Urigo/meteor-client-bundler issue 66.