Openvslam ROS 2 in Docker

Aim: to install openvslam for ROS 2 with reproducibility.

This uses this openvslam ros2 fork by Mirella Melo.


  1. Run container:
docker-compose up -d

  1. Once built, sh into container:
docker exec -ti ros2-dashing /bin/bash

  1. Run the commands from Mirella Melo:
# Clone the repository
cd $HOME
git clone -b ros2-base --single-branch

#Build Vision openCV and Image Common packages
source /opt/ros/dashing/setup.bash
cd $HOME/openvslam/ros2
colcon build --packages-select cv_bridge camera_calibration_parsers image_geometry image_transport opencv_tests vision_opencv camera_info_manager

# Source Vision openCV and Image Common packages
source $HOME/openvslam/ros2/install/setup.bash

# Build openvslam project
cd $HOME/openvslam
mkdir build && cd build
make -j4
sudo make install

# Build openvslam packages
cd $HOME/openvslam/ros2
colcon build --symlink-install

To rebuild image run:

docker-compose build