
Wireless unibody keyboard powered seeed ble

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More pictures here


I'm a hobbyist/amateur at best. So there may be things that aren't optimized. For example this board doesn't have a ground plane and some edges aren't rounded properly. That being said I've had the files in the gerbers/ directory manufactured at JLC with 1.6mm size and they work just fine with the code provided in the at https://github.com/sebastian-stumpf/zmk-config-uninarf - So if you decide to use this, then please be advised that I'm not providing any sort of liability and you should exercise some caution.


Quantity Item Comment
1 Seeed XIAO BLE
1 74HC595 SO-16 Shift Register I used 74HC 595D NXP
42 1N4148 SOD123 diodes
36 Choc Hotswap Sockets
6 Omrom 6mm Tact switches B3F-1002
36 Choc Switches + Keycaps
8 M2 Screws and Spacers
1 MSK12C02 power switch
1 1 S2B-PH-K-S(LF)(SN) jack
1 3.7v lipo battery any size will do as long as it fits between the spacers. I've used a 500mAh 403040


I'm always happy to hear your opinions about this and if you decide to build this board then please do send me a picture of it.


Big thanks to GEIST and his TOTEM where I grabbed the xiao ble footprint from. It makes soldering the MCU a lot easier!