
First project of Introduction to AI at Universidad del Valle. Mario's goal is to find the princess using artificial intelligence algorithms. Uninformed (Breadth-First Search, Uniform-Cost Search and Depth-First Search) and Informed (Greedy Search and A* Search) search algorithms are used.

Primary LanguagePython


First project of Introduction to AI at Universidad del Valle.

Mario's goal is to find the princess using artificial intelligence algorithms. Uninformed (Breadth-First Search, Uniform-Cost Search and Depth-First Search) and Informed (Greedy Search and A* Search) search algorithms are used.

How to use:

To run the application:

Download the repository and in the project directory run:

py -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Then run the main.py file:

py main.py

To test with different worlds modify the matrix.txt file.

Have fun.