- 0
"No files found to scan" should exit 0
#226 opened by danepowell - 3
xdebug_disable() call fails with Xdebug 3
#222 opened by dorianfm - 1
- 2
PHP8 support
#221 opened by Ilyes512 - 1
syntax error in ArgumentsBuilder
#220 opened by EtienneDelepine - 0
log to stdout
#214 opened by titomiguelcosta - 8
#208 opened by dereuromark - 0
Logic issue
#209 opened by dereuromark - 1
Allow symfony/console ^5.0 in phploc 5.x
#212 opened by guvra - 2
- 1
Error creating xml
#207 opened by KaidenTheo - 3
Fatal error on phploc dev-master and PHPUnit 9
#204 opened by fijas - 1
PHP7.4 compatiblity
#203 opened by viksts - 1
Problem phploc, phpcpd and finder-facade
#202 opened by pyvm - 2
Allow finder-facade 2
#201 opened by garak - 4
- 0
Not working ¿?
#197 opened by natzar - 10
- 6
- 4
Parse error
#192 opened by natzar - 1
New Release to support PHP 7.3
#190 opened by stefanzweifel - 4
- 1
Can I look for longest file?
#188 opened by christophrumpel - 1
phploc generates warnings
#189 opened by tina-junold - 2
[Feature] Add final/non final classes
#185 opened by gmponos - 1
Undefined index: ccn in /usr/share/php/SebastianBergmann/PHPLOC/Analyser.php on line 507
#187 opened by ZielinskiLukasz - 2
- 3
Undefined index Analyser.php on line 507
#181 opened by Cotsios26 - 3
- 5
Why is the directory count subtracted by 1?
#171 opened by TiEul - 2
Make countFile() function of Analyser class reusable in code outside of phploc
#159 opened by manindersingh - 7
- 2
any possible way in getting more details?
#151 opened by marcelloh - 2
- 1
#179 opened by noenteas - 0
Build fail (Composer\Downloader\TransportException)
#178 opened by kenorb - 6
Log results in JSON format
#149 opened by samayo - 1
Call to undefined method SebastianBergmann\Environment\Runtime::discardsComments()
#174 opened by frank667 - 1
.class files are not tracked
#168 opened by williamborba - 0
The "--progress" option does not exist.
#166 opened by darcyrush - 2
Release a new version?
#165 opened by garak - 5
An error under php 7
#155 opened by SilentTiger - 1
- 1
Segmentation Fault when evaluating subdirectories
#154 opened by stretchnate - 5
'LC_ALL' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
#152 opened by edsonmedina - 2
Phar is not up to date
#150 opened by marcelloh - 1
- 2
Write error when launching from Ant task
#144 opened by lferro9000 - 11
I found this error : Undefined index: ccn
#142 opened by webmailcontatos - 0
phploc --git-repository destroys local changes
#143 opened by hectoras