
Crypto Currency and Network Scraping with Python

Primary LanguagePython


This project implements the scraping of network fees of various blockchains as well as the simultaneous prices of the networks' coins. It stores these datasets in a connected database.

It uses the following sites to scrape network fees:

For the coin prices in USD, it uses the Binance API resp. the Python package python-binance, that wraps around this API.

Within the connected database, the project automatically creates two tables to store the scraped data:

  • NetworkFees holds the network fee data
  • AssetPrices holds the coin price data

How to connect a Database

The project relies on specific environment variables to establish a connection to a relational database and store the scraped data in that database. The following environment variables need to be set to establish a connection:

  • DB_PROTOCOL - The vendor-specific protocol (incl. a potential driver) of the database
  • DB_USER - The database user that should be used to interact with the database
  • DB_PW - The password of the database user DB_USER
  • DB_HOST - host of the database
  • DB_PORT - port of the host to communicate with the database
  • DB_NAME - name of the database

You can either set those environment variables manually before you start the project, or you populate an .env-file with the required data inside the project directory. You can find a template for such a file at .env-template.

How to run locally

Note: The current state of the project expects PostgreSQL as the database system. If you want to switch to another database, you need to install a different driver for Python and adjust the environment variable DB_PROTOCOL accordingly.

Install dependencies

$py-crypto-scraper/> cd src && pip install .

Run (make sure that the required environment variable are set - either manually or via .env)

$py-crypto-scraper/src/> python3 main.py

Build and run as Docker container

Build image from project

$py-crypto-scraper/> docker build -t myid/pyscraper .

Start container from new image and pass environment variables via .env file. You can find a template for such a file at .env-template.

docker run -it --env-file .env myid/pyscrape

How to extend/adjust

The project includes configuration for VSCode development containers which should be the preffered environment to develop new features of the project. The container automatically sets up a whole Python development environment including the required geckodriver for the Selenium calls.
