
Optimized for OSX


  • find
  • openssl

This program encrypt or decrypt every file inside an specific directory. Each directory can have other directories and files and so on.

The process is simple:

  • File paths are listed
  • The list of files is divided and assigned to each available thread
  • Each thread encrypt and decrypt sequentially the files assigned
  • When every thread has finished its work, then the program ends

To install the program correctly, is necesary to compile it using make. The program is generated at ./bin, named "paes"

To use the program is necessary understand what parameters you can cofigure:

./bin/paes -p PATH -k PASSWORD -t THREADS


  • PATH: The directory path (default: ./tests). Note: The path doesn't have to contain spaces.
  • PASSWORD: Password associeted to the AES algorithm to encrypt or decrypt files (default: PASSWORD)
  • THREADS: The amount of threads used to encrypt or decrypt files (default: 1)

Also, there are other parameters, used to determine the function of the program, there are:

  • --parallel or --p: To run the program using the parallel version, this parameter is not necessary when the amount of thread is set (-t THREADS)
  • --encrypt or --e: To set de encryption process (by default)
  • --decrypt or --d: To set the decryption process
  • --verbose or --v: To run the program in a verbose mode

If you want to install some files to test it, you can do it running:

source ./scripts/test/

After that, if you want to run that test, you can do it executing the next line:

source ./scripts/test/

Run these commands from root directory if you use the default parameters.

Enjoy it! :)

Note: I wrote this code for academic purposes. Please read the instructions carefully before use it. I am not responsible for the misuse of this program.