
A demo to guide migration from Heroku Postgres to AWS RDS Postgres


1. Create Cloud9 instance

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Cloud9 console at https://ap-southeast-1.console.aws.amazon.com/cloud9/home
  2. Choose Create environment
  3. Select t3.small instance type
  4. Enter a name and choose Next step
  5. Use default settings and choose Next step
  6. Review settings and choose Create environment

2. Configure cloud9 environment

  1. Create a terminal shell
  2. Beside the welcome tab, click +
  3. Choose New Terminal
  4. Run git clone https://github.com/sebastianlzy/node-app-aws-heroku
  5. Run . ./setup-helper/install-prerequisite.sh

3. Create a new RDS postgres 13 database in AWS

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the RDS console at https://ap-southeast-1.console.aws.amazon.com/rds/home
  2. Choose Create database
  3. Choose Standard create
  4. Under Engine options
    1. For engine type, choose PostgresSQL
    2. For version, choose PostgresSQL 13.2-R1
  5. Under Templates
    1. Choose Dev/Test
  6. Under Settings
    1. Enter aws-rds-postgres as "DB instance identifier"
    2. Enter postgres as "username"
    3. Enter a password for the "Master password"
    4. Enter the same password for "Confirm password"
  7. Under DB instance class
    1. Choose Burstable classes, then select db.t3.micro
  8. Leave the rest as default and choose Create database
  9. Wait for database to be created
  10. Under connectivity & security
    1. Copy the Endpoint value

4. Migrate data from heroku:postgres database

  1. Sign in to Heroku and navigate to the app at https://dashboard.heroku.com/apps
  2. On the app, choose Settings
  3. Under Config Vars, choose Reveal Config Vars
    1. Copy the value for DATABASE_URL

5. On cloud9 terminal

  1. export env variable
> export HEROKU_POSTGRES_URL= <Value copied from Heroku Postgres (Step 4.3.1) 
> export RDS_POSTGRES_URL=<Value copied from AWS RDS Postgres (Step 3.10.1)>     
> export RDS_POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<Value copied from AWS RDS Postgres (Step 6.3)>   
  1. Download data from Heroku
    1. Run pg_dump -v -Fc $HEROKU_POSTGRES_URL
  2. Restore data to AWS RDS
    1. Run pg_restore -v -h $RDS_POSTGRES_URL -U postgres -d postgres < db.dmp