
This task showcases my competence with React and Responsive Web Design.

Primary LanguageCSS


Responsive React Asssesment Task

DEMO: dashley.netlify.com

This is an assesment task showcasing a Responsive UI built with React. It has been built with no frameworks other then React(TypeScript) and Webpack. The app utilizes PostCSS with CSS Modules. This enables components to have their styling locally scoped.

How To Set Up

To set up the app, follow the following steps:

  • Run npm install to install dependancies.
  • To start the development server, run yarn dev.
  • To build the app for production, run yarn build.

How is the project structured?


The main entry point, src/index.tsx, serves as the Router. It render's different components from the templates directory depeding on the current url. It also houses the Navigation component, which is present on all templates.


Each template contains a <main> element that wraps the components that are present on that page. This keeps the page-level logic separate from the component logic.


Under the components directory lies all the UI components of the app. These are being used in templates. Each component has an index.tsx file, where the React component lives, and a style.module.css. This stylesheet is a CSS Module. It is locally scoped to the module, meaning there are no need to use methodologies such as BEM to handle scoping issues.


Some components may make use of an interface to define it's prop types. Some components like the Inputs contain more than one export. This makes code re-usable and clean.


The styles in src/global.css are available from anywhere in the app. This sets up things like browser resets, base styles, colors and breakpoints.

The icons in src/icons can be imported as a normal React component. They can be styled using css color and scaled using font-size.