hydra 10 year gif wall

╰( ⁰ ਊ ⁰ )━☆゚.*・。゚ there is stuff to do

How to start

  • Put gifs in the ./gifs/people and ./gifs/funny directories.
  • Go to the ./Backend directory
  • Install dependencies via npm
  • Start the backend via npm
  • Navigate your browser to http://localhost:4000/gifs/wall

In short

Put the gifs to the directories, ensure that the following gifs exist (needed for 'happy birthday' wall):

  • Happy_bday_escalation.gif
  • Happy_bday_1.gif
  • Happy_bday_2.gif
  • Happy_bday_headnut.gif
  • Happy_bday_4.gif
  • Happy_bday_3.gif


cd Backend
npm install
npm start

OR alternatively use

npm start &

to start it in detatched mode (so you can use your console).