
Retrieve app release notes from either iTunes, or from a localization file. Optional support to only display the release notes once per app version. iOS 5 and above supported.

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


Retrieve app release notes from either iTunes, or from a localization file. Optional support to only display the release notes once per app version. iOS 5 and above supported.

Example Usage

SCReleaseNotes can be used four ways:

  • Display new release notes from iTunes
SCReleaseNotes *releaseNotes = [[SCReleaseNotes alloc] initWithItunesAppId:@"284910350"];

SCReleaseNotesBlock releaseNotesHandler = ^(NSString *releaseNotes, NSString *version)
    // Example showing display in UIAlertView
    UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:version message:releaseNotes delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:@"OK" otherButtonTitles:nil];
    [alert show];

[releaseNotes checkForNewReleaseNotes:releaseNotesHandler];
  • Display new release notes from localization file
SCReleaseNotes *releaseNotes = [[SCReleaseNotes alloc] initWithLocalizationTable:@"ReleaseNotes" withKey:@"Message"];

SCReleaseNotesBlock releaseNotesHandler = ^(NSString *releaseNotes, NSString *version)
    // Display release notes

[releaseNotes checkForNewReleaseNotes:releaseNotesHandler];
  • Display release notes from iTunes. No checks if already displayed for the current app version.
SCReleaseNotes *releaseNotes = [[SCReleaseNotes alloc] initWithItunesAppId:@"284910350"];

SCReleaseNotesBlock releaseNotesHandler = ^(NSString *releaseNotes, NSString *version)
    // Display release notes

[releaseNotes getCurrentReleaseNotes:releaseNotesHandler];
  • Display release notes from localization file. No checks if already displayed for the current app version.
SCReleaseNotes *releaseNotes = [[SCReleaseNotes alloc] initWithLocalizationTable:@"ReleaseNotes" withKey:@"Message"];

SCReleaseNotesBlock releaseNotesHandler = ^(NSString *releaseNotes, NSString *version)
    // Display release notes

[releaseNotes getCurrentReleaseNotes:releaseNotesHandler];

How to Use

  1. Copy SCReleaseNotes folder into your project


SCReleaseNotes, and all the accompanying source code, is released under the MIT license