
🚀All inclusive terraform recipe for micro-services architecture deployed on Kubernetes (AKS), from ECR docker images (AWS), with Route53 DNS records (AWS), Traefik load balancer, Let's Encrypt SSL certs, MySQL one-DB-per-microservice, blob storage

Primary LanguageHCL


What is this?

An all inclusive terraform recipe for micro-services architecture deployed on Kubernetes (AKS), from ECR docker images (AWS), with Route53 DNS records (AWS), Traefik load balancer, Let's Encrypt SSL certs, MySQL one-DB-per-microservice, blob storage, and much more...

Run the whole stack (e. g. in a CI pipelines)

        - # docker login
        - eval $(aws ecr get-login --no-include-email)

        - # provision db server
        - cd db-server
        - terraform init
        - terraform apply -auto-approve
        - cd ..

        - # provision blob storage
        - cd blob-storage
        - terraform init
        - terraform apply -auto-approve
        - export TF_VAR_BLOB_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME=$(terraform output account_name)
        - export TF_VAR_BLOB_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_ACCESS_KEY=$(terraform output account_access_key)
        - cd ..

        - # provision the cluster
        - export TF_VAR_CLIENT_ID=${ARM_CLIENT_ID}
        - cd cluster
        - terraform init
        - terraform apply -auto-approve

        - # export KUBECONFIG
        - mkdir ~/.kube
        - terraform output kube_config > ~/.kube/aksconfig
        - export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/aksconfig
        - cd ..

        - # deploy traefik
        - cd traefik
        - kubectl apply -f ./ingress-role.yaml
        - terraform init
        - kubectl apply -f ./ingress.yaml
        - export EXTERNAL_IP=$(terraform output external_ip)
        - cd ..

        - # deploy services
        - cd services
        - terraform init
        - terraform apply -auto-approve
        - cd ..

        - # set dns
        - cd dns
        - terraform init
        - terraform apply -auto-approve -var "external_ip=$EXTERNAL_IP"