AMT project - Gamified app : Interactive polls with Pollak

Pollak is a web application which allows you to create and join polls. Everyone can ask and answer questions. The creator has the ability to close the room.

This project has been updated with gamification features

Server API for gamification: First run this server API, then populate it with the postman script in doc/

Original repo Interactive Polls:

Preview (Basic functionalities for now, just to have an idea about how navigation works and what you can do)

alt text

This userflow describes how the application would work.

The frontend application is working but nothing is persisted, because the server development is in progress.

Technologies and frameworks used

The front-end project was generated with Angular CLI.

This project uses the MEAN stack:

Global architecture

  • Users are identified with a unique UUID generated in client and stored in localStorage.
  • This uuid is set in every header request to identify different users
  • A pollroom is identified by a 6 digits random number
  • When a user joins a pollroom, the server adds him to the socket room corresponding to the pollroom he joined
  • Posting requests like questions, answers, votes, etc. are send on endpoints defined in the API.
  • Then the server broadcast the incomed information to every participant of the room with socket io.

Known issues

  • On refresh, the participants are not correctly updated : for the others participant, the number of particpants increase on every page rerefresh
  • The creator of the question can answer his question. He shouldn't.
  • On server side some verifications are missing like when closing a poll for example
  • The room identifier (6 digits number) is pure random.
  • App is available only on http, not https.


  1. Install Node.js (min. v 6.6.0) and MongoDB (min. v 3.2.10)
  2. Install Angular CLI: npm install angular-cli -g
  3. From the root project, install all the dependencies: npm install

Run local

Create a nodemon.json file at the root project where you define your environment variables of your system. It will be used by nodemon when the Express server starts.

  "env": {
    "MONGODB_URI": "mongodb://localhost:27017/pollak",
    "GAMIFICATION_URI": "http://localhost:8080/gamification",
    "GAMIFICATION_TOKEN": "<complete>"
  1. bash 1: mongod: run MongoDB server (to use Docker, see the tip bellow)
  2. bash 2: ng build -w: build the angular 2 project and listens for file changes
  3. bash 3: npm start: run Express server and serve the app
  4. Open localhost:3000 in your browser

Tip : MongoDB with Docker

Run a MongoDB server: docker run -p 27017:27017 mongo:latest

Connect to the server with MongoDB client: docker run -it mongo:latest mongo --host (depending your Docker configuration)

Deploy on Heroku

Prerequisites : add the remote git configuration with your Heroku app.

Simply push your last commits on Heroku git server. For example :

  1. git push heroku master
  2. The app is available on (on your Heroku application)

Heroku will automatically install npm dependencies, build the app under the dist/ folder and serve it.


All question are multiple choice questions.

As a user connecting on the landing page

  • Watch some statistics about the app
  • Join a pollroom by entering its identifier (like a number of 6 digits)
  • Join a previously joined pollroom by selecting it in a list
  • Create a poll by entering its name
  • Join a created poll by selecting it in a list

Creating or joining any poll makes the user immediately redirecting him to the pollroom

As a pollroom joiner

  • Watch all questions of the current pollroom
  • Watch in-live which questions are answered by other participants
  • Watch some stats of the current pollroom
    • identifier of the room
    • number of participants
    • number of questions
    • number of answers
  • Watch his current completion of the questions (a progress bar <nb_question_answered>/<nb_question>)
  • Create question (creating it implies publishing it) with associated responses
  • Answer questions once except those created by himself
  • Vote questions (like or dislike) except thos created by himself
  • (not done) Watch stats summarizing the poll when it closes
  • Leave the current pollroom

As a pollroom creator

  • Same as a pollroom joiner
  • Close the poll
  • Close a question : a closed question can't be answered anymore

How a question looks like

  • When the question was created
  • Title of question
  • multiple choices
  • progress bar of answers for each choice (hidden while poll is open)
  • number of answer for each choice in brackets
  • number of total answers
  • Like
  • Vote up
  • Vote down

When a pollroom is closed

  • Display all questions, answers and votes
  • Questions can't be answered anymore
  • Questions can't be created anymore
  • Questions can't be voted anymore
  • A pollroom can still be joined by entering its identifier
  • (not done) Display a graph showing a summary of the poll:
    • graphe one (bar or line chart):
      • axe x: the questions ordered by the most liked to the most disliked
      • axe y: the number of like
    • graphe two (bar chart):
      • axe x : the questions
      • axe y : the participation for the question
      • display the total number of participant as a line in the graph (on axe y)
    • When hovering the graph, show the question with its choices. For each choice, show the number of answer.

Endpoints (for future release)

See the swagger file in /doc


Damien Rochat & SĂ©bastien Richoz

Skeleton realised with Angular 2 Full Stack project, project where author is Davide Violante