
Simple (but might Strong) Baselines for POMDPs in PyTorch

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Recurrent Model-Free RL is a Strong Baseline for Many POMDPs

Welcome to the POMDP world! This repo provides some simple baselines for POMDPs, specifically the recurrent model-free RL, on the benchmarks in several subareas of POMDPs (including meta RL, robust RL, and generalization in RL) for the following paper:

Paper: arXiv Numeric Results and Figures: google drive Web: Site

by Tianwei Ni, Benjamin Eysenbach and Ruslan Salakhutdinov.


Note that current repo should be run smoothly. Below todo lists are for more functionalities and more user-friendly, and any suggestions on code refactor are welcome (e.g. via pull request):

  • Add MORE command-line arguments to overwrite the configuration file
  • Upload more log csv files and plotting scripts
  • Add documentation on our main code and log csv files

A Minimal Example to Run Our Implementation

Here we provide a stand-alone minimal example with the least dependencies to run our implementation of recurrent model-free RL!

Only requires PyTorch and PyBullet, no need to install MuJoCo or roboschool, no external configuration file.

Simply open the Jupyter Notebook example.ipynb and it contains the training and evaluation procedure on a toy POMDP environment (Pendulum-V). It only costs < 20 min to run the whole process on a GPU.


First download this repo into your local directory (preferably on a cluster or a server) to <local_path>. Then we recommend to use a virtual env to install all the dependencies. For example, we install using miniconda and pip:

conda create -n pomdp python==3.8
conda activate pomdp
pip install -r requirements.txt

The requirements.txt file includes all the dependencies (e.g. PyTorch, PyBullet) used in our experiments (including the compared methods), but there are two exceptions:

  • To run Cheetah-Vel and Ant-Dir in meta RL, you have to install MuJoCo on your own (it is free now!)
  • To run robust RL and generalization in RL experiments, you have to install Roboschool.
    • We found it hard to install Roboschool from scratch, therefore we provide a docker file roboschool.sif in google drive that contains Roboschool and the other necessary libraries, adapted from SunBlaze repo.
    • To download and activate the docker file by singularity (tested in v3.7) on a cluster (on a single server should be similar):
    # download roboschool.sif from the google drive to envs/rl-generalization/roboschool.sif
    # then run singularity shell
    singularity shell --nv -H <local_path>:/home envs/rl-generalization/roboschool.sif
    • Then you can test it by import roboschool in a python3 shell.

Run Our Implementation of Recurrent Model-Free RL and the Compared Methods

Benchmarks / Environments

We support several benchmarks in different subareas of POMDPs (see envs/ for details), including

  • "Standard" POMDPs: occlusion benchmark in PyBullet
  • Meta RL: gridworld and MuJoCo benchmark
  • Robust RL: SunBlaze benchmark in Roboschool
  • Generalization in RL: SunBlaze benchmark in Roboschool

See run_commands.md for our estimated difficulty levels of these environments.

General Form

We use .yml file in configs/ folder for training, and then we can overwrite the config file by command-line arguments for our implementation.

To run our implementation, Markovian, and Oracle, in <local_path> simply

python3 policies/main.py --cfg configs/<subarea>/<env_name>/<algo_name>.yml \
  [--algo {td3,sac} ] 

where algo_name specifies the algorithm name:

  • mlp correspond to Markovian policies
  • rnn correspond to our implementation of recurrent model-free RL
  • {mt|oracle}/mlp correspond to Multi-task/Oracle policies

For the other methods, similarly the algo_name specifies the algorithm name:

  • ppo_rnn and a2c_rnn correspond to (Kostrikov, 2018) implementation of recurrent model-free RL
  • vrm corresponds to VRM compared in "standard" POMDPs
  • varibad corresponds the off-policy version of original VariBAD compared in meta RL
  • MRPO correspond to MRPO compared in robust RL

We have merged the prior methods above into our repository (there is no need to install other repositories), so that future work can use this single repository to run a number of baselines besides ours: A2C-GRU, PPO-GRU, VRM, VariBAD, MRPO.

Since our code is heavily drawn from those prior works, we encourage authors to cite those prior papers or implementations.

For the compared methods, we use their open-sourced implementation with their default hyperparameters.

Specific Running Commands for Each Subarea

Please see run_commands.md for details on running our implementation of recurrent model-free RL and also all the compared methods.

Details of Our Implementation of Recurrent Model-Free RL: Decision Factors, Best Variants, Code Features

Please see our_details.md for more information on:

  • How to tune the decision factors discussed in the paper in the configuration files
  • How to tune the other hyperparameters that are also important to training
  • Our best variants in each subarea and numeric results of learning curves


Please see acknowledge.md for details.


If you find our code useful to your work, please consider citing our paper:

  title={Recurrent Model-Free RL is a Strong Baseline for Many POMDPs},
  author={Ni, Tianwei and Eysenbach, Benjamin and Salakhutdinov, Ruslan},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.05038},


If you have any questions, please create an issue in this repo or contact Tianwei Ni (twni2016@gmail.com)