
Library for Probabilistic Movement Primitives

Primary LanguagePython

Probabilistic Movement Primitive Library

A Probabilistic Movement Primitive (ProMP) is a probabilistic generative model used to model movement, it is typically used in the robotics community to learn movements from a human demonstrator (or teacher) and replicate those movements in a robotic platform.

This repository contains the implementation in Python and C++ of the Probabilistic Movement Primitive framework as described in this paper. Typically, the operations we want from a ProMP are:

  1. Learning a ProMP from several human demonstrations. Typically, we consider we learn from trajectories in joint space.
  2. Conditioning in joint space. For example, force the movement to start in the current position of the robot.
  3. Conditioning in task space. For example, conditioning a table tennis strike movement to hit the ball in a certain position in Cartesian coordinates.
  4. Controlling a robot to track a ProMP

We provide code for the first three operations. We assume that the learning is done in Python, and only implemented the adaptation operators in C++ (They are also provided in Python). We also provide code for the following operations:

  • Compute the likelihood of a given trajectory for a given ProMP
  • Sample trajectories from a ProMP
  • Save and load ProMPs

Code Examples

Please refer to the example folder in the repository. We just show a simple example that illustrates how to use the API in general.

A very simple example

The following example loads a dataset of strike trajectories from a file called "strike_mov.npz" and trains a ProMP with the given trajectories. The example file is provided as part of the repository. Subsequently, the script draws samples from the learned ProMP and a ProMP conditioned to start at a particular location.

import robpy.full_promp as promp
import robpy.utils as utils
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

#1) Take the first 10 striking movements from a file with recorded demonstrations
with open('strike_mov.npz','r') as f:
    data = np.load(f)
    time = data['time'][0:10]
    Q = data['Q'][0:10]

#2) Create a ProMP with basis functions: 3 RBFs with scale 0.25 and 
#   centers 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75. Use also polynomial basis functions of 
#   degree one (constant and linear term)
full_basis = {
        'conf': [
                {"type": "sqexp", "nparams": 4, "conf": {"dim": 3}},
                {"type": "poly", "nparams": 0, "conf": {"order": 1}}
        'params': [np.log(0.25),0.25,0.5,0.75]
robot_promp = promp.FullProMP(basis=full_basis)

#3) Train ProMP with NIW prior on the covariance matrix (as described in the paper)

dof = 7
dim_basis_fun = 5
inv_whis_mean = lambda v, Sigma: utils.make_block_diag(Sigma, dof)
prior_Sigma_w = {'v':dim_basis_fun*dof, 'mean_cov_mle': inv_whis_mean}
train_summary = robot_promp.train(time, q=Q, max_iter=10, prior_Sigma_w=prior_Sigma_w,

#4) Plot some samples from the learned ProMP and conditioned ProMP

n_samples = 5 # Number of samples to draw
plot_dof = 3 # Degree of freedom to plot
sample_time = [np.linspace(0,1,200) for i in range(n_samples)]

#4.1) Make some samples from the unconditioned ProMP
promp_samples = robot_promp.sample(sample_time)

#4.2) Condition the ProMP to start at q_cond_init and draw samples from it
q_cond_init = [1.54, 0.44, 0.15, 1.65, 0.01, -0.09, -1.23]
robot_promp.condition(t=0, T=1, q=q_cond_init, ignore_Sy=False)
cond_samples = robot_promp.sample(sample_time)

Using task space conditioning

In order to use task space conditioning you need to implement the forward kinematics of your own robot. You simply need to implement a class with a method called "position_and_jac(q)" that given a joint space configuration q produces a tuple (x, jac, ori) representing respectively the cartesian position, the jacobian and the orientation. We provide an example of the implementation of the kinematics of a Barrett WAM arm. The following example shows how to condition a ProMP in task space using the Barrett forward kinematics implementation.

import robpy.kinematics.forward as fwd

# Compute the prior distribution in joint space at the desired time
time_cartesian = 0.9
mean_marg_w, cov_marg_w = robot_promp.marginal_w(np.array([0.0,time_cartesian,1.0]), q=True)
prior_mu_q = mean_marg_w[1]
prior_Sigma_q = cov_marg_w[1]

# Compute the posterior distribution in joint space after conditioning in task space
fwd_kin = fwd.BarrettKinematics()
prob_inv_kin = promp.ProbInvKinematics(fwd_kin)

mu_cartesian = np.array([-0.62, -0.44, -0.34])
Sigma_cartesian = 0.02**2*np.eye(3) 

mu_q, Sigma_q = prob_inv_kin.inv_kin(mu_theta=prior_mu_q, sig_theta=prior_Sigma_q,
        mu_x = mu_cartesian, sig_x = Sigma_cartesian)

# Finally, condition in joint space using the posterior joint space distribution

robot_promp.condition(t=time_cartesian, T=1.0, q=mu_q, Sigma_q=Sigma_q, ignore_Sy=False)
task_cond_samples = robot_promp.sample(sample_time)


The implementations provided in this repository are based on the following publications:

  1. Adaptation and Robust Learning of Probabilistic Movement Primitives
  2. Using probabilistic movement primitives for striking movements, IEEE RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, 2016

Please refer to these papers to understand our implementation, get general information about probabilistic movement primitives and see the evaluation of the implemented methods in real robotic platforms. We also have a C++ implementation of the ProMP conditioning in joint and task space and other operators that might require real-time execution performance.