Using the IDS Information Model Programmatically

This project demonstrates how to work with the Industrial Data Space (IDS) Information Model programmatically, using Java. It consists of a set of classes containing unit tests that show how to deal with aspects of instantiating Infomodel classes, serializing, deserializing and validating them.


The IDS Information Model is a formalization of the IDS' concepts as an RDF -based ontology. It can be considered as a kind of data model, describing how these concepts (e.g., architectural components such as connectors, brokers) are characterized and how they relate to each other. Therefore, in order to correctly describe a specific connector (i.e., an "instance"), the descriptions need to conform to the Information Model ontology.

Creating instances can be done by creating an RDF document, using properties and classes of the ontology in a syntactically and logically consistent way. This requires learning the concept and ideas of RDF and Linked Data, which imposes quite some effort on developers trying to get started with creating services for the IDS.

As an effort to quickly get development teams on board to contribute and access IDS services such as custom connectors, we provide a mapping of the Information Model Ontology to the Java programming language in the form of a library. It supports instantiation of ontology classes as Java beans and to automatically convert (serialize) them to an RDF representation. Using an additionally provided Java validation library makes sure that each instantiated object conforms to the Information Model ontology.

Accessing and Integrating the Libraries

Fraunhofer IAIS (EIS department) runs a Maven artifactory that serves these utility libraries for using the Information Model conveniently with the Java programming language. It can be

  • accessed directly here,
  • or included in Maven-based project's pom.xml file like this:

Note that the eis-snapshot-repo is containing development releases and requires a further username and password. Please contact the maintainer of this project to get access to the SNAPSHOT repository.

The Information Model Java library can then be included in your dependencies section in this way:


It is also highly recommended to include the following dependency:


Its job is to provide methods to validate Information Model objects and to serialize them when they should be transferred over a network connection. These topics are described in more detail below. Please note that access to the SNAPSHOT repository is required to add this dependency.

Basic Functionality

Each OWL class in the ontology is represented by an identically named interface in the Java library. In addition, implementations of these interfaces are provided as classes with Impl prefix. So, for instance, the class Catalog, which is defined as ids:Catalog a owl:Class in the Information Model ontology, is represented as public interface Catalog in the file Catalog.class of the library and accompanied by a public class CatalogImpl implements Catalog that is defined in the file CatalogImpl.class.

Object Instantiation

The easiest way to instantiate an Information Model class is to use the accompanying builder class. For instance, in order to create a self-description document for a Connector, you can use the class BaseConnectorBuilder as documented in the method createConnectorDescription() in the file

Object Serialization and Deserialization

The current recommedation is to express Information Model instances in the RDF Format when publishing, transferring or storing them. A method to correctly serialize the instantiated Information Model objects is provided by the validation-serialization-provider dependency (see Section "Accessing and Integrating the Libraries").

The preferred serialization format is JSON-LD. It is valid JSON with some additional supportive attributes such as @context and @type. However, if you're only working with the Java library, you don't need to get into the details of this format. The library calls do the serialization (i.e., object -> JSON-LD) and deserialization (i.e., JSON-LD -> object) for you and are described below.


The main way is to directly invoke the Serializer class, as shown in method serializeToJsonLD_bySerializerCall() in file

There is also another way to serialize an object (see Section "Object Instantiation"). The object's toRdf() method as described in the method serializeToJsonLD_fromObject in file


The method deserialize() in the file shows how the Serializer class can be used to transform a JSON-LD representation of an Information Model instance into its (Java) object representation.


When using the builder classes to instantiate Information Model objects and having the validation-serialization-provider included, a validation is performed when the .build() method is invoked. This is demonstrated by the method createInvalidConnectorDescription() in the file The example shows that calling .build() throws an exception because, for instance, mandatory properties such as maintainer are not set.

Implementing Custom Validators

Out of the box, the validation logic provided by validation-serialization-provider uses only the NotNull and NotEmpty validation constraints from the Java EE Validation API (JSR-303). In future versions of the Information Model Java library, we plan to support additional validation constraints. However, validity of Information Model objects may depend on domain- or implementation-specific requirements so that this validation mechanism is open for extension.

Custom Information Model validation logic can be integrated into the validation workflow so that it is called on invocation of the .build() method that is provided by each object builder class. Technically, this implementation can be done by using Java's Service provider interface (SPI). According to the SPI specification, projects need to specify the interfaces they implement. An example can be found in the resources directory of this project, defining in the services directory a mapping of interfaces and their concrete implementation.

In the example, the file de.fraunhofer.iais.eis.spi.BeanValidator states that the interface de.fraunhofer.iais.eis.spi.BeanValidator is implemented by the class de.fraunhofer.iais.eis.validate.CustomBeanValidator.

In the file, we provide two different examples that show how the default NotNull and NotEmpty object validations can be extended with further functionality. The method

  • violateCustomURLValidation() shows that a validation exception is thrown because of undereferencable URLs, and
  • violateSecurityTokenValidation() illustrates how validation can be bound to a specific object (i.e., a Token instance).

Based on the SPI-related declarations in the resources directory described above, the builders' build() methods, that are called in the two mentioned methods, invoke the validate() method declared in the file, which in turn delegates to the URL and Token validation logic.

Usage Examples

All examples of this demo project are provided in the form of JUnit tests (src/test/java). Note that some tests expect the existence of the validator dependency, and will fail without it.

Supporting the IDS Messaging Communication Paradigm

Perhaps the easiest example of an IDS message that each connector should understand is the message of type ids:DescriptionRequestMessage. It does not require any payload part and can be created using the information model library as shown in the method selfDescriptionRequest() in the file In order to send this message to connector that supports the synchronous HTTP API, the serialized instance of the DescriptionRequestMessage class needs to be sent as HTTP POST to the /infrastructure method of the receiving connector. The post body itself should be of content-type multipart/form-data or multipart/mixed, e.g.,

multipart/form-data; boundary=--------------------------949567736778671771657427

with this exemplary raw content:

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="header"

  "@context" : "",
  "@type" : "ids:DescriptionRequestMessage",
  "modelVersion" : "3.1.0",
  "issued" : "2020-05-21T13:32:33.073+02:00",
  "issuerConnector" : "",
  "@id" : ""

However, in this minimal example, the receiving connector cannot verify the authenticity of the requesting connector, i.e., it cannot determine if the sender is (still) a valid participant on the IDS ecosystem and if facts that it claims about itself in its self-description are actually trustworthy. In order to provide this kind of security, each request needs to be accompanied by security token (aka 'DAPS token'). A connector that is in possession of this token may present it at each outgoing message exchange so that the receiver can analyze it and decide whether to accept the message or deny it. Note that it is up to the receiving connector to handle and interpret the security token. The receiver may as well ignore the security token in case it does not perform any security-relevant data processing. The header part of the above example with included security token looks like this:

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="header"

  "@context" : "",
  "@type" : "ids:DescriptionRequestMessage",
  "modelVersion" : "3.1.0",
  "issued" : "2020-05-21T13:32:33.073+02:00",
  "issuerConnector" : "",
  "securityToken" : {
      "@type" : "ids:Token",
      "tokenValue" : "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6ImRlZmF1bHQifQ.eyJ...",
      "tokenFormat" : {
        "@id" : ""
      "@id" : ""
  "@id" : ""

The receiving connector's response to the message above looks like this:

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="header"
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 409

  "@type" : "ids:DescriptionResponseMessage",
  "issued" : "2020-05-21T13:11:14.596Z",
  "issuerConnector" : "",
  "securityToken" : {
      "@type" : "ids:Token",
      "tokenValue" : "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiasdkfJAs6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6ImRlZmF1bHQifQ.eyJ...",
      "tokenFormat" : {
        "@id" : ""
      "@id" : ""
  "correlationMessage" : "",
  "modelVersion" : "3.1.0",
  "@id" : ""
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="payload"
Content-Type: application/ld+json
Content-Length: 965

  "@context" : "",
  "@type" : "ids:Broker",
  "outboundModelVersion" : "3.1.0",
  "description" : [ {
    "@value" : "A Broker with a graph persistence layer",
    "@language" : "en"
  } ],
  "inboundModelVersion" : [ "3.1.0" ],
  "title" : [ {
    "@value" : "EIS Broker",
    "@language" : "en"
  } ],
  "maintainer" : "",
  "curator" : "",
  "catalog" : {
    "@type" : "ids:Catalog",
    "@id" : ""
  "securityProfile" : {
    "@type" : "ids:SecurityProfile",
    "basedOn" : {
      "@type" : "ids:SecurityProfile",
      "@id" : ""
    "@id" : ""
  "@id" : ""



For bug reports, issues or general help please write an email to our bugtracking list.


  • Christian Mader (Fraunhofer IAIS)
  • Benedikt Imbusch (Fraunhofer IAIS)
  • Sebastian Bader (Fraunhofer IAIS)