
A yeoman generator to kickstart your frontend development.

Primary LanguageHTMLOtherNOASSERTION

generator-web-igniter NPM version Build Status Dependency Status

A yeoman generator to kickstart your frontend development.


First, install Yeoman and generator-web-igniter using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).

npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-web-igniter

Then generate your new project:

yo web-igniter

Supported features

  • Webpack
  • BrowserSync
  • SASS
  • purgeCSS
  • Vanilla JS
  • jquery
  • Google Analytics with cookie bar
  • Basic imprint (Impressum) page

Google Analytics and the cookie bar

Here are some more information on Google Analytics (GA). By default IP anonymization is activated. So it is not possibile to track the exact geo location of your website's visitors. In Europe this is a legal requirement. However you can deactivate IP anonymization like so: In src/index.html find:

gtag('config', gaProperty, { 'anonymize_ip': true });

and set anonymize_ip to false.

If GA is enabled a cookie bar is integrated automatically to your website. This is also a legal requirement in Europe. You can customize the behavior and the look like so: In src/js/main.js:

 * Integration of a simple cookie bar.
import SimpleCookieConsent from 'simple-cookie-consent';

new SimpleCookieConsent(
    policyText: 'Your cookie text goes here',
    barClassName: '',
    additionalLink: 'privacy.html',
    additionalLinkText: 'Privacy Policy'

The look can be edited in src/sass/styles.scss

@import '../../node_modules/simple-cookie-consent/dist/simple-cookie-consent.min.css';

.c-simple-cookie-consent {
  // Bar styles here (e.g. background-color, position, z-index)

  &__policy {
    // Message styling here (e.g. font)

  &__button {
    // Styles that apply to both the 'accept' and 'additonal button'. (e.g. background-color)
    &--additional {
      // Styles specifically for the 'additonal' button which override the base button styling

For more information about the cookie bar, check Simple Cookie Consent.

Basic imprint page

In some countries (Germany for example) it is required to have an imprint page (Impressum) if you run a commercial website. Now you can optionally generate a basic imprint page with our generator. You just have to replace the placeholders [IN UPPER CASE] in `src/pages/impressum.html with your specific information. Since the imprint is required in Germany, the generated imprint page is in german language.

If you also activated Google Analytics there is a special section about Google Analytics and oup-out links integrated in the generated imprint.



Apache-2.0 © Sebastian Baum