
JSON serialization framework for Nim, works from a Stream directly to any type and back. Depends only on stdlib.

Primary LanguageNimOtherNOASSERTION

Eminim — JSON serialization framework for Nim


This package provides the jsonTo, loadJson procs and jsonItems iterator which deserializes the specified type from a Stream. The storeJson procs are used to write the JSON representation of a location into a Stream. Low level initFromJson and storeJson procs can be overloaded, in order to support arbitary container types, i.e. jsmartptrs.nim.


import std/streams, eminim

  Foo = ref object
    value: int
    next: Foo

let d = Foo(value: 1, next: Foo(value: 2, next: nil))
let s = newStringStream()
# Make a roundtrip
s.storeJson(d) # writes JSON from a location
let a = s.jsonTo(Foo) # reads JSON and transform to a type
# Alternatively load directly into a location
var b: Foo


  • Serializing and deserializing directly into Streams. For common usage it is done automatically. Generally speaking intervation is needed when working with ptr types.
  • Supports options, sets and tables by default.
  • Uses nim identifier equality algorithm to compare JSON fields. Which means fields written in camelCase or snake_case are equal.
  • Overloading serialization procs. See jsonprocs.nim

How it works

It generates code, in compile time, to use directly the JsonParser, without creating an intermediate JsonNode tree.

For example:

  Bar = object
    case kind: Fruit
    of Banana:
      bad: float
      banana: int
    of Apple: apple: string

let s = newStringStream("""{"kind":"Apple","apple":"world"}""")
let a = s.jsonTo(Bar)

Produces this code:

proc initFromJson(dst: var Bar, p: var JsonParser) =
  eat(p, tkCurlyLe)
  while p.tok != tkCurlyRi:
    if p.tok != tkString:
      raiseParseErr(p, "string literal as key")
    case p.a
    of "kind":
      discard getTok(p)
      eat(p, tkColon)
      var kindTmp`gensym0: Fruit
      initFromJson(kindTmp`gensym0, p)
      dst = (typeof dst)(kind: kindTmp`gensym0)
      if p.tok != tkComma:
      discard getTok(p)
      while p.tok != tkCurlyRi:
        if p.tok != tkString:
          raiseParseErr(p, "string literal as key")
        case dst.kind
        of Banana:
          case p.a
          of "bad":
            discard getTok(p)
            eat(p, tkColon)
            initFromJson(dst.bad, p)
          of "banana":
            discard getTok(p)
            eat(p, tkColon)
            initFromJson(dst.banana, p)
            raiseParseErr(p, "valid object field")
        of Apple:
          case p.a
          of "apple":
            discard getTok(p)
            eat(p, tkColon)
            initFromJson(dst.apple, p)
            raiseParseErr(p, "valid object field")
        if p.tok != tkComma:
        discard getTok(p)
      raiseParseErr(p, "valid object field")
    if p.tok != tkComma:
    discard getTok(p)
  eat(p, tkCurlyRi)

proc jsonTo(s: Stream, t: typedesc[Bar]): Bar =
  var p: JsonParser
  open(p, s, "unknown file")
    discard getTok(p)
    initFromJson(result, p)
    eat(p, tkEof)

The jsonItems iterator

Inspired by the Machine Learning over JSON article, I originally designed eminim as a way to parse JSON datasets directly into Tensors. It's still very capable in this application.

  IrisPlant = object
    sepalLength: float32
    sepalWidth: float32
    petalLength: float32
    petalWidth: float32
    species: string

let fs = newFileStream("iris.json")
for x in jsonItems(fs, IrisPlant):
  # you have read an item from the iris dataset,
  # use it to create a Tensor


  • Limited support of object variants. The discriminant field is expected first. Also there can be no fields before and after the case section. In all other cases it fails with a JsonParserError. This limitation is hard to improve. The current state might fit some use-cases and it's better than nothing.

  • Borrowing proc initFromJson[T](dst: var T; p: var JsonParser) for distinct types isn't currently working. Blocked by a Nim bug. Use overloads for now. Or you can easily override this behaviour by copying these lines in your project:

    from typetraits import distinctBase
    proc storeJson*[T: distinct](s: Stream; x: T) = storeJson(s, x.distinctBase)
    proc initFromJson[T: distinct](dst: var T; p: var JsonParser) = initFromJson(dst.distinctBase, p)
  • Custom pragmas are not supported. Unless hasCustomPragma improves, this feature won't be added. You can currently substitute skipped fields by creating empty overloads.


  • Thanks to @krux02 for his review and valuable feedback. This rewrite wouldn't be possible without his work on json.to.