
Use Ansible with Vagrant on a Windows host

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Windows is not currently supported by Ansible which means the standard Ansible plugin provided with Vagrant cannot be used with this platform. The provision.sh script takes advantage of Vagrant's shell provisioning facilities to allow the use of Ansible from within a VM regardless of the host platform.

Debian and CentOS systems are currently supported.


Place shell directory wherever you like. You should then configure Vagrant to use shell provisioning where sh.path refers to provision.sh. Three options are required and must be supplied using sh.args in the following order:

  1. The OS the target VM is running on (i.e "debian" or "centos")
  2. The Ansible playbook to run
  3. The Ansible hosts inventory file to use

An example Vagrantfile is below:

# Configure some parameters here:

$parameters = {
  "project"   => "vagrant-vm",
  "memory"    => 2048,
  "cpus"      => 1,
  "provision_shell" => "../../../provision.sh",  
  "vagrant_box" => "hansode/centos-6.6-x86_64",
  "ansible_host_file" => "vagrant.hosts",
  "ansible_playbook" => "site.yml",
  "roles_dir" => "../../roles", # optional: remove key if you do not use an external `roles` directory
  "vault_password_file" => "vault_pass.txt" # optional: remove key if you do not use vault-protected files

require 'fileutils'
FileUtils.rmtree work_dir

if $parameters.has_key?("roles_dir")
  FileUtils::mkdir_p work_dir
  FileUtils.copy_entry $parameters['roles_dir'], work_dir

Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
  config.vm.box = $parameters['vagrant_box']
  config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant"

  config.vm.hostname = $parameters['project']
  config.vm.provision :shell do |sh|
    sh.path = $parameters['provision_shell']

    if $parameters.has_key?("vault_password_file")
       sh.args = $parameters['ansible_playbook'] + " " + $parameters['ansible_host_file'] + " " + $parameters['vault_password_file']
       sh.args = $parameters['ansible_playbook'] + " " + $parameters['ansible_host_file']

Have a look on projects under demos directory for full examples.