
Event Sourcing + CQRS using Golang

Primary LanguageGo

Event Sourcing + CQRS using Go Workshop


Imagine that you are working for a large news publisher called FairFlax Media, not to be mistaken with Fairfax Media, inspired by flax flower : )

"Fairflax Media logo"

You are breaking our huge monolith system into micro services and moving everything to Kuberentes... You like domain driven desing and we do not allow more than one app to connect to a database. Each DB can be owned by only one application. As time goes by, you notice that many services need common data. You need to make sure that the data is consistent across all services and the query performance is reasonable.

This is when things get interesting...


  • This requires Go 1.6 or later

  • Requires that GOPATH is set

  • Install dep for managing dependencies - https://github.com/golang/dep#installation

    On Mac OSX using brew...

    $ brew install dep
    $ brew upgrade dep

    On other platforms you can use the install.sh script:

    $ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/golang/dep/master/install.sh | sh
  • Add ensure the PATH contains $GOPATH/bin

    $ go help gopath
    $ export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin

QUICK INSTALL (I haven't tried it)

$ go get -u github.com/pavelnikolov/eventsourcing-go/demo-articles
$ go get -u github.com/pavelnikolov/eventsourcing-go/demo-graph
$ go get -u github.com/pavelnikolov/eventsourcing-go/demo-sitemap
$ go get -u github.com/pavelnikolov/eventsourcing-go/demo-rss


Either (I haven't tried it):

$ go get github.com/pavelnikolov/eventsourcing-go/...


$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/github.com/pavelnikolov
$ cd $GOPATH/github.com/pavelnikolov
$ git clone github.com/pavelnikolov/eventsourcing-go

Then install the dependencies:

$ dep ensure


  • Run the articles API

    $ demo-articles &
  • Run the GraphQL gateway API

    $ demo-graph
  • Run the RSS generator

    $ demo-rss
  • Run the Sitemap generator

    $ demo-sitemap

Navigate to the apps in your browser:

OPTIONAL - Rebuilding the generated code

  1. Install protobuf compiler

  2. Install the protoc Go plugin

    $ go get -u github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go
  3. Rebuild the generated Go code

    $ go generate github.com/pavelnikolov/eventsourcing-go/...

    Or run protoc command (with the grpc plugin)

    $ protoc -I publishing/ publishing/publishing.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:publishing

OPTIONAL - Rebuild and run the apps

go install ./cmd/demo-articles && demo-articles
go install ./cmd/demo-graph && demo-graph
go install ./cmd/demo-rss && demo-rss
go install ./cmd/demo-sitemap && demo-sitemap