
Aggregate git logs from multiple projects

Primary LanguageGo


Simple commits aggregator for your projects folders


  • Get all your projects commits in a single place
  • Filter all projects by date, author or list of authors
  • Support for multiple projects folders



xattr -d com.apple.quarantine githis
chmod +x githis
sudo mv githis /usr/local/bin

Get started

Set your projects folder, the cli will scan this folder and will get all commits

githis sources add projects /home/sebcej/Projects

Set yourself as the commit author filter if you want only your logs

githis config set author sebcej

Use cases and examples

See your yesterday commits in all your local projects

githis logs -o -1

... or filter by date range

githis logs --from 2024-04-10 --to 2024-04-13

... or filter by single day

githis logs -d 2024-04-10

Date autocomplete is supported for single day param

githis logs -d 10 equals to githis logs -d 2024-04-10

githis logs -d 04-10 equals to githis logs -d 2024-04-10

Filter by multiple authors

githis logs -a sebcej -a anotherdev

To enable auto-pull use the -p param

githis logs -o -1 -p

Use githis help to see all functionalities