- 1
SM\\StateMachine\\StateMachine::getState(): Return value must be of type string, null returned
#72 opened by matthewstick - 3
Declaration of methods from Dispatcher class must be compatible with Symfony EventDispatcherInterface interface
#70 opened by LucasLaurens - 2
Handle enum last_state values
#68 opened by leonelngande - 0
How to get callback execute result
#67 opened by mayne - 0
Support Chinese or other non-ASCII characters in command 'winzou:state-machine:debug'
#66 opened by mayne - 3
Please support Laravel v6.20
#63 opened by videni - 0
- 3
- 1
PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Sebdesign\SM\Event\Dispatcher::getListeners(?string $eventName = null) must be compatible with Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface::getListeners(?string $eventName = null): array
#60 opened by EvgenijVesnovsk - 4
#56 opened by chadyred - 3
Please, add support for php 8
#53 opened by nolka - 4
States/transitions in database
#55 opened by patryyyck - 4
Laravel 8 Support
#54 opened by CodyPChristian - 7
Custom exceptions
#16 opened by devngl - 8
Composer 2
#50 opened by devngl - 5
- 6
Unable to apply policies for transitions.
#47 opened by Alexandertlt - 3
- 9
Incompatibilty with Winzou state machine
#44 opened by petermein - 1
error installing
#40 opened - 10
multiple graphs/property_paths on same class
#30 opened by MartinP7r - 4
Composer - installation error
#43 opened by nope123nope - 2
- 3
Listener per graph
#38 opened by MartinP7r - 2
"winzou/state-machine": "^0.4.0"
#37 opened by Skullbock - 1
sebdesign/laravel-state-machine v3.0.0 requires winzou/state-machine ^0.4.0 -> no matching package found
#36 opened by mogody - 2
Can't install on a fresh Laravel 7 project
#35 opened by divan-mt - 4
Installation fails at post-update-cmd
#29 opened by MartinP7r - 3
pass additional data when applying a transition
#31 opened by MartinP7r - 4
SMException when version is higher than 1.3.3
#26 opened by G89Angel - 4
Lumen support
#10 opened by jessynt - 1
Illuminate\Contracts\Container\BindingResolutionException : Unresolvable dependency resolving [Parameter #0 [ <required> array $configs ]] in class SM\Factory\Factory
#23 opened by GonzaloGPF - 11
Arg 2 passed to Sebdesign\SM\Factory\Factory::__construct() must implement interface exception
#22 opened by ziming - 22
add properties to states
#15 opened by himan72 - 8
- 2
v1.3.1 .. Add support for Laravel 5.8
#18 opened by bublicov - 2
How to use state machine when there is multiple transitions steps to reach from state A to state B?
#17 opened by hemantachhami19 - 0
storing states
#14 opened by himan72 - 4
- 1
- 4
- 4
- 13
How to use Gate::allows() ?
#7 opened by eduardoarandah