
Small python app that publishes a randomly selected image (from a local folder) to Mastodon

Primary LanguagePython


Small python app that publishes a randomly selected image from a local folder to mastodon


  1. scan a given directory (and recursive all subdirectories) for image files and select one random image
  2. post this image to mastodon, uses file name as posted text
  3. up to four images per toot
  4. some sort of intelligent text replacement (from "1991-10" in the filename it makes "10/1991" in the post)
  5. create empty marker file for used image (ends with ".used.real"), so this image will not be used again until you delete this marker file
  6. optional: simulation mode to check what the app would do


  1. (clone repository)

  2. create a file ".env" and enter these lines (use your own URL and mastodon app token):

    MASTODON_TOKEN=<your token here
    MASTODON_URL=<your mastodon server url here>
    #optional choose one ore more Hashtags that will be appended at the end of the post:
    HASHTAGS=#Retrogaming #Games

    ... more to come soon ...

use multiple image for one toot

If you want to use more than one image in a tweet (e.g. if you have multiple files/pages for one thing) name them (up to four) like this:

  1. myfile__1.jpg
  2. myfile__2.jpg
  3. myfile__3.jpg
  4. myfile__4.jpg