BlueInc Drones Web Application

This application tracks the position in real time of BlueInc drones accross Belgium.


In the client folder there is a React single page application that connects to the Websocket server and identify itself by sending a predifined clientID for the Webapp dashboard.

If the server is down the front-end application will retry to connect automatically.

Server (Websocket)

The server folder contains the Websocket server (server.js). For development purpose there is a "mock" folder to simulate a fleet of drones. Each drone is assigned a random ID at server boot time.


Both the client and the server need and environment file to be set. As the client isn't secure you will find it in the repository. For the server, there is an ".example.env" file that you need to rename to ".env". In this file you will need to define the DASHBOARD_CLIENT_ID variable and make it match the REACT_APP_WS_CLIENT_ID from the .env file of the client.


You first need to install the dependencies for both the client and the server

cd client && npm install
cd server && npm install

Then you can start both the client and the server with the same command

npm start


There is also a docker-compose file to launch both the server and the client

docker-compose up

# You can access the drones dashboard at
# http://localhost:4007