
The website of the Greaaat freelance collective, running with Gatsby

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

The Greaaat Gatsby

These are the files of the Greaaat website, powered by Gatsby and hosted on Netlify

I want to update my profile

That's fairly easy if you know how to use Git ! If not, there's no shame at all, just ask someone from Greaaat, we're here to help each other after all 😎

  • Start by forking the adriantombu/the-greaaat-gatsby repository
  • Create a new git branch to work on your modifications
  • You can find the data of your profile in the src/data/freelances directory. As you can see, these are Markdown files !
  • When you're happy with your changes, just commit your changes, push your branch and start a new pull request
  • Once your pull request has been approved and merged in the master branch, your modifications will be automagically deployed!

I don't have a profile page, how can I add one ?

For this you will need a small text about yourself and a squared picture of your lovely face (a size of 500x500 max should be perfect). For the purpose of this little tutorial, let's say that your name is Georges Abitbol.

  • Start by forking the adriantombu/the-greaaat-gatsby repository
  • Create a new git branch to work on your modifications. Let's say profile/georges-abitbol for example.
  • Go to the static/freelances/ directory and put your squared profile pic in it, with the name georges-abitbol.jpg
  • Go to the src/data/freelances/ directory, duplicate any file there, and rename it to georges-abitbol.md
  • The following fields are mandatory, so you need to fill them with the proper informations: title, position, city, website, picture, slug, seoTitle, seoDescription
  • The other fields are optional. If you don't need them to be displayed on your profile, just put xxx and you're good to go.
  • You can write your description in Markdown format just under the --- after the fields
  • When you're done with your profile page, go to the src/data/prestations directory, and open any of the file where you want to add your name. Georges Abitbol is a well reknown Marketing Expert, so he adds his name in the freelances field of the experts-marketing.md file.
  • When you're happy with your changes, just commit your changes, push your branch and start a new pull request
  • Once your pull request has been approved and merged in the master branch, your modifications will be automagically deployed!

What's the purpose of the fields on my profile

  • title is basically your name, and is reused in the src/data/prestations files to make the relation with your profile
  • position is what your do in your professional life
  • city, welll... where you are from
  • website do I really need to explain ?
  • picture is the filename used for your profile pic in the static/freelances/ directory
  • slug represents the url of your profile, in the format https://greaaat.com/freelances/${slug}
  • seoTitle is the information displayed in the html <title> tag of your profile
  • seoDescription is the information that lays in the <meta name="description" content="" /> tag of your profile
  • The other fields represents the url of your different social network profiles