
Source Code for Algebraic Datatypes and Pattern matching in Java

Primary LanguageJava

Algebraic Datatypes and Pattern Matching in Java

This repository contains source code underlying Algebraic Datatypes and Pattern Matching in Java. In order to run it, you need Java Version 21.

Alternatively, you can open this repository using Gitpod in a predefined web-based development environment without creating (or adjusting) your own. You will only be able to save your changes, if you fork this repository into your own account.

Alternatively, you can install Docker and VS Code with the Remote Development Extension Pack. To use the predefined environment in VS Code click on the Remote Containers icon in the bottom-left corner, select Clone Repository in Container Volume, and provide the URL of this repository.

The first time you open the folder in a container will take a long time. To check if the container was created successfully, you can open a terminal in VS Code, and run mvn test to run the test suite. You can also run tests in VS Code by opening a Java file containing tests and clicking the Run Test link shown with declarations.

© Sebastian Fischer