
Translates GitHub Actions into Tekton and Knative Objects

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Go Report Card CircleCI


[WIP]: A CLI for running Github Actions in Kubernetes clusters using Knative and Tekton


With a working Golang environment do:

go get github.com/triggermesh/aktion


Test that the parsing of your GitHub Action workflow works:

aktion parser -f samples/main.workflow

Create the Tasks object that Tekton can understand:

aktion create -f samples/main.workflow

To specify which git repository this should apply to:

aktion create -f samples/main.workflow --repo https://github.com/sebgoa/klr-demo

You can pipe it directly to kubectl to create the actions:

aktion create -f samples/main.workflow | kubectl apply -f -


This is heavily Work In Progress We would love your feedback on this tool so don't hesitate to let us know what is wrong and how we could improve it, just file an issue

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