A knative based bridge to mimic AWS Eventbridge

This is based on knative. It consumes messages from SQS and send them to Lambda.

Note that this could be a different cloud event source going to a totally different target ...

  • An event source using an object ContainerSource
  • A trigger object Trigger which defines the equivalent of a rule
  • A service object service which defines the target

Store your AWS credentials in a credentials text file

aws_access_key_id = YOUR_ACCESS_KEY
aws_secret_access_key = YOUR_SECRET_KEY

Create the secret that stores your credentials file

kubectl create secret generic awscredsfile --from-file credentials --dry-run -o yaml > awscreds-file.yaml

Create all objects

After editing all objects to reflect your own setup (e.g queue name)

kubectl apply -f ksvc.yaml
kubectl apply -f trigger.yaml
kubectl apply -f sqs-source.yaml