
Knative Lambda Runtime demo

Primary LanguagePython

KLR sample

This is a repo with an example to showcase how KLR works and how the same function deploys to AWS lambda

The function we are going to deploy is a Python function that returns the current time, see handler.py

Deploy to AWS Lambda

To deploy to Lambda we use the serverless framework and write a serverless.yaml file then:

serverless deploy

At the end of the deployment you will be given a URL where you can invoke the function, something like:

Service Information
service: aws-python-simple-http-endpoint
stage: dev
region: us-east-1
stack: aws-python-simple-http-endpoint-dev
api keys:
  GET - https://10sjc1yh84.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/ping
  currentTime: aws-python-simple-http-endpoint-dev-currentTime

To delete your function do not forget to:

serverless remove

Deploy with KLR

You will need a Knative installation.

First install the KLR Python template like so:

tm deploy buildtemplate -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/triggermesh/knative-lambda-runtime/master/python-3.7/buildtemplate.yaml

Then deploy the handler.py like so:

tm deploy service python-test -f . \
                              --build-template knative-python37-runtime \
                              --build-argument HANDLER=handler.endpoint \

This deployment will return something like:

Creating python-test function
Deployment started. Run "tm -n sebgoa describe service python-test" to see the details
Waiting for python-test ready state
Service python-test URL: http://python-test.sebgoa.k.triggermesh.io

And you will be able to curl the endpoint and get the same result as in AWS Lambda.

To delete the function:

tm delete services python-test

Using your own private Docker registry

If you use tm without specifying a registry destination it will assume you are using https://cloud.triggermesh.io and use the internal Docker registry.

If you want to use your own registry, specify it in the build argument

tm deploy service python-test -f . \
                              --build-template knative-python37-runtime \
                              --build-argument IMAGE=index.docker.io/runseb/python-test
                              --build-argument HANDLER=handler.endpoint \