
1ma's Docker-related dogfood

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1ma's Dockerfile repository



Image Tags Summary
1maa/alpine 3.4, edge Foundation for most other images. Overrides the entrypoint with tini.
1maa/beanstalkd 1.10 Beanstalkd server from APK repository.
1maa/debian jessie Old base image, no longer used.
1maa/h2o 2.0 H2O server from APK repository.
1maa/mysql 5.7 Extension of the official MySQL tweaked to play nice with the Doctrine ORM.
1maa/nodetools 4.x NodeJS, NPM, Bower, Grunt, Gulp and LESS.
1maa/php 5.6, 7.0 PHP-FPM daemon with a ton of common PHP extensions.
1maa/php-dev 5.6, 7.0 PHP-FPM tweaked for development, plus XDebug, OpenSSH and some useful command line tools.
1maa/php-sdk 5.6, 7.0 Building environment for any PECL extensions that might be needed by php or php-dev.
1maa/postgres 9.5 PostgreSQL server from APK repository. Does not include the database cluster.
1maa/postgres-dev 9.5 PostgreSQL development server with a 'docker:docker' superuser in the cluster.
1maa/python 2.7, 3.5 Bare Python environment.
1maa/python-dev 2.7, 3.5 With OpenSSH server in the same fashion than php-dev images.