
This is just a dump of all of my autohotkey scripts. Contains also third party stuff, hello taran.

Primary LanguageAutoHotkeyMIT LicenseMIT

sebinside's AutoHotkey Scripts

AutoHotkey is a powerful scripting language for Windows. It enables one to define own shortcuts, simulate mouse and window movement and automate complete UI interactions.

This repository contains all the script that I currently use. It is not meant to be cloned and used directly but rather shall serve as an inspiration. I use AutoHotkey scripts in my everyday work to overwrite annoying windows functionality and to add handy custom shortcuts. In the following, I give a short overview of my scripts.

Feel free to use or modify any of the provided functionality. Just as I did with the scripts repository of Taran.

Project Structure

This repository is structured as follows: The source folder all AutoHotkey script files. Here, the top level files like work.ahk and personal.ahk only reference the actual functionality that is located inside the lib folder. I distinguish between common functionality and functionality that is only required in my personal or work environment. The script files can be build using the .cmd file. Afterwards, I usually copy them directly into the Windows startup folder.


In the following, I give an overview of some of the functions. Please refer to the AutoHotkey files for detailed information.


I override several Windows functions, e.g. opening another folder on pressing Windows + E. Also, I enable opening up the old Windows 10 context menu in Windows 11 explorer when additionally pressing Shift. Have a look:

	Run, explorer.exe E:\

#IfWinActive ahk_exe explorer.exe
	Send {Click}
	Send +{F10}

Capslock Modifier

Let's be serious: Who does actually and unironically use the Capslock button? This one can be used way smarter: As an additional modifier key. More easy shortcuts, yey!

I added a ton of custom Capslock shortcuts: Enabling easy typing of symbols you often need while coding, quickly changing between windows, and inserting text snippets. Here is a short excerpt:

#IF, GetKeyState("Capslock", "P")
	Send, [
	Send, ]
	Send, [1]
	Send, ^!b

Mouse Buttons

I want my side mouse buttons to have different functionality in different applications. Thus, I bound them to complex shortcuts and change the actual functionality depending on the focussed window. This looks as follows:

	if WinActive("ahk_exe Adobe Premiere Pro.exe") {
		Send, N
	} else if WinActive("Minecraft") {
		Send, 9
	} else {

Stream Deck Functions

I also use the Elgato Stream Deck in conjunction with AutoHotkey. Based on my utility tool HotkeylessAHK, I define many custom Stream Deck functions.

The following snippet is an example for a Stream Deck triggered function. It opens a custom explorer window and than moves it to a specified position on a second screen:

OpenAndMoveCamFolder() {
    Run, explorer.exe K:\cam
    Sleep, 1000
    hWnd := WinExist("K:\cam")
    WinMove,ahk_id %hwnd%,,4393,247,974,1087