
iPhone Client with socket.io-objc

Primary LanguageObjective-C

#socketfun-ios Test-Project for WebSocket connections. As an testserver you can use the socketfun repo.

This project uses socket.IO-objc.

To checkout the project:

git clone
git submodule init
git submodule update


git clone --recursive

##Dependencies socket.IO-objc is an interface to communicate between Objective-C and Socket.IO with the help of websockets and uses

##Configuration for an own project ###socket.IO-objc Copy SocketIO.h and Socket.IO.m into your project.

###cocoa-websocket Copy WebSocket.h and WebSocket.m into your project.

###AsyncSocket Copy the AsyncSocket files into your project. AsnycSocket is included in cocoa-websocket.

###RegexKitLite Copy RegexKitLite.h and RegexKitLite.m into your project. In your project settings in "Build Settings" under "Other Linker Flags" include the value "-licucore".

###json-framework Copy all files from the classes folder into your project.

###ASIHTTPRequest Copy all needed files into your project (see the homepage at setup instructions). In your project configs link with CFNetwork, SystemConfiguration, MobileCoreServices, CoreGraphics and libz.dylib.

##Usaqge Please see socket.IO-objc