
πŸŒ‹ A micro flat-file blog and website constructor.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Volcano πŸŒ‹

A micro flat-file blog and website constructor.


  • No database
  • Fast
  • Easy to use
  • You write your content in beautiful Markdown
  • Great with custom designs


Getting Started

cd ~/path/to/project

composer require sebastianks/volcano

# Copy a slim starter template bundled with Volcano.
cp -r vendor/sebastianks/volcano/setup/* .

Volcano will now serve your app from /site/theme/index.php which at it's lightest can be as slim as:


# Get our App instance
$app = require __DIR__ . '/../../app.php';

# This is where the magic happens πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ
echo $app->render();

That is Volcano at it's barebones. A more realistic real-life example can be found in the Wiki.

What's next?

You just created your first app with VolcanoπŸŽ‰ Now you can go ahead and make a beautiful theme, start composing some content or something else you fancy. It's all up to you.

A couple of resources if you need some information and/or inspiration:

  • Read the Wiki. It's short and will get you started in no time.
  • Volcano has a well-documented codebase. Reading it will give you everything there is to know about Volcano.
  • Creating a blog? Try out the official Blog template and start blogging right away.