
A better, more complete user interface for password-store

Primary LanguageEmacs LispGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A more convenient UI for password-store.el

This emacs package improves on the user interface for password-store.el (see https://www.passwordstore.org/), adding a friendly transient pop-up.

Here’s what that looks like:



The package adds a bunch of useful features, including:

  • A minor mode for editing/inserting password files
  • Changes to password files are auto-committed to git
  • Easy browsing and viewing of entries
  • Inserting multi-line passwords
  • Generating passwords with arguments (e.g. length, no-symbols)
  • Showing password QR code inside emacs


(package-vc-install "https://github.com/rjekker/password-store-menu")


Config with use-package:

(use-package password-store-menu
  :config (password-store-menu-enable)
  :custom (password-store-menu-key "C-c p"))

Or without use-package:

(require 'password-store-menu)
(custom-set-variables '(password-store-menu-key  "C-c p"))


By default, the password-store popup menu will be bound to the key C-c p. You can configure this (see above).

The following menu items are available:


bBrowseOpen the URL field in a browser and
cCopy SecretCopy the secret into the clipboard
fCopy FieldSelect a field from the entry and copy it
oBrowse and CopyOpen the URL field in a browser and copy the secret into the clipboard
vViewOpen entry in view-mode
qQR CodeView QR code for secret in an Emacs buffer


DDeleteDelete password entry
eEditEdit entry by visiting it
EEdit (pass)Edit entry by calling “pass edit”
iInsertInsert a new password entry (single line: secret only)
IInsert multilineInsert a new entry - open a buffer to create a multiline file
gGenerateGenerate a new password
rRenameRename an entry


V=DiffShow VC diff
VpPullPull from VC
VPPushPush to VC