
Status, process, and documents for ECMA262


Current Proposals

ES7+ Proposals follow this process document.

Proposal Champion Stage Notes
Object.observe Rafael Weinstein 2
Async Functions Luke Hoban 1
Parallel JavaScript Tatiana Shpeisman, Niko Matsakis 1
Typed Objects Dmitry Lomov, Niko Matsakis 1
Async Generator Jafar Husain 0
Defensible Classes Mark Miller & Doug Crockford 0
Relationships Mark Miller & Waldemar Horwat 0
String padding Kevin Grandon, Rick Waldron & Dave Herman 0
String.prototype.at Mathias Bynens & Rick Waldron 0
Structured Clone Dmitry Lomov 0
Weak References Mark Miller & Dave Herman 0
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors Rick Waldron & Andrea Giammarchi 0

Contributing New Proposals

If you are a TC39 member representative, just submit a pull request for your proposal.

Ecma TC39 accepts Strawman Proposals from non-member individuals who have accepted the TC39 copyright and patent policies. Currently all ECMAScript related technical work is done by the TC39 RF TG (Royalty Free Task Group), for which the following IPR Policies apply:

If you wish to submit a proposal and are not a representative of a TC39 member, here are the steps you need to take:

  1. Read the TC39 process document.
  2. Register as a TC39 contributor
  3. Submit a pull request here for your strawman proposal.