
I am used to Windows when it comes to keyboard shortcuts and general OS behavior. If you are like me, these scripts and instructions might be of value.

MIT LicenseMIT

Overall idea

  • Make macOS behave more like Microsoft Windows
  • No need to switch command and ctrl in macOS preferences

Install shortcuts to Karabiner

  1. Install Karabiner
  2. cp ./karabiner.json ~/.config/karabiner/karabiner.json

Open karabiner file and edit it in VS Code

code ~/.config/karabiner/karabiner.json

Log files such as parse errors

code ~/.local/share/karabiner/log/console_user_server.log

Copy Karabiner configuration to this folder

  • cp ~/.config/karabiner/karabiner.json ./karabiner.json


  • On an external keyboard:
    • ctrl: command ⌘
    • windows: ctrl ⌃
    • alt: option ⌥
    • shift: shift ⇧

Karabiner resources

Other apps to install to make macOS more Windows like

macOS keyboard preferences

  • Disable all shortcuts
  • Mission Control
    • Move space left/right
  • Screenshots
    • Copy image to pasteboard
  • Spotlight
    • Show Spotlight


  • Auto hide


  • Map win+left/right/up/down

Shortkeys (Chrome extension)

  • not remapped in Karabiner:
    • f5, reload, Reload page
  • normally works, but Karabiner word navigation shortcut messed it up
    • ctrl+left, back, Go back
    • ctrl+right, forward, Go forward