
Python script to change naming of chaptered video files from GoPro Hero 3 cameras

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

GoPro Chaptered Video File Renamer

This script alters the naming convention of chaptered videos created by GoPro Hero3+ cameras (see https://gopro.com/help/articles/question_answer/GoPro-Camera-File-Naming-Convention), which I found to be unintuitive.

For example: Here are two sets of videos (0892 and 0893) that were broken up into chapters by the camera and one single video (0891):

GOPR0891.mp4    <- single video
GOPR0892.mp4    <- multi-video A1
GOPR0893.mp4    <- multi-video B1
GP010892.mp4    <- multi-video A2
GP010893.mp4    <- multi-video B2
GP020893.mp4    <- multi-video B3

When sorted, I would prefer to see GP010892.mp4 to come after GOPR0892.mp4. For example, files could be renamed as the following:

GOPR0891.mp4 -> GOPR0891_1.mp4
GOPR0892.mp4 -> GOPR0892_1.mp4
GP010892.mp4 -> GOPR0892_2.mp4
GOPR0893.mp4 -> GOPR0893_1.mp4
GP010893.mp4 -> GOPR0893_2.mp4
GP020893.mp4 -> GOPR0893_3.mp4


The script was written in Python (2.7+ and 3.3+). To run:

python gopro_chapter_renamer.py folder_containing_gopro_videos

The script will search inside the specified folder for mp4 files that follow GoPro's naming convention, and rename them accordingly.

Non-chaptered videos will be renamed as well.

Renaming cannot be undone! A log of changes will be saved in the file <gopro_directory>/rename.log.


For additional options, run:

python gopro_chapter_renamer.py -h
  • To change the starting number (default is 1), use the option -s.
  • To change the filename prefix (default is GOPR), use -p.
  • To rename files with a different extension (default is MP4), use -e.

To perform a dry run, use the option -t.