
Simple Docker build for PySpark + Python3 with Alpine

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Simple Docker build for PySpark + Python3 with Alpine

Quick start

To quickly test the image without a Dockerfile, mount your current directory into the container:

docker run -it -v $(pwd):/code sebnyberg/pyspark-alpine

Run inside the container:

bash-4.4# cd /code
bash-4.4# spark-submit test.py

Example usage with Dockerfile

A more maintainable solution is to create a simple Dockerfile which does package installation, copies over your code and lets you run spark-submit

Example python file:

# /test_spark.py
import findspark
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName('myApp').getOrCreate()


# /Dockerfile
FROM sebnyberg/pyspark-alpine
RUN pip install findspark
COPY . /code
CMD ["/bin/bash"]


docker build . -t my-spark-app

Run your python file

docker run my-spark-app spark-submit test_spark.py


Change Spark configuration by copying over your own config files to the folder $SPARK_HOME/conf