An implementation of the Cuckoo filter from the paper: "Cuckoo Filter: Practically Better Than Bloom" by Bin Fan, David G. Andersen, Michael Kaminsky and Michael D. Mitzenmache. (
This project is part of the Bioinformatics course of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb. (
Quick start
To compile, generate all files, and run the benchmarks, simply run:
which will generate all the input files in the /data
directory, and store all results in the /results
Run make
in the root folder then run cuckoo
Running unit tests
Run make test
in the root folder to create binary.
Run ./test <fasta_input_file>
to run all tests.
Without the input file, some tests are not run.
Generating input data
Run make gen
to compile the KMer Generator.
Use the Generator to create input files of either random k-mers or k-mers extracted from a file.
./kmergen <len> <iterations> <outputFile> <type> [inputFile]
is 'gen' (for generating random k-mers) or 'ext' (for extraction from [inputFile])
./kmergen 20 1000000 generated_1M_20mer.txt gen
This generates one million random 20-mers and writes them to input.txt.
Running performance analysis
Run make bench
to create the benchmark program.
./benchmark <for_insertion> <non_existing_for_FP> <output_file>
The first argument is the file containing k-mers for insertion into the Cuckoo filter. One k-mer per line, lines must be separated by the newline character. The second argument are k-mers that are not found in the first file. These k-mers are used to check for false positives. The format of the file is the same as the first one. The output is written to the output file.