Simple finite-state machine for Backbone. View states made easy. Synchronizing your application's parts with events made easy.
- 3
More complete example
#5 opened by sebpiq - 1
NPM package
#15 opened by sebpiq - 1
- 1
- 1
Add to
#24 opened by enrique-ramirez - 5
#6 opened by sebpiq - 0
Provide a mixin for StatefulView
#23 opened by sebpiq - 7
The examples are broken
#14 opened by lbineau - 10
Enumerating states
#19 opened by afeld - 12
Error on initial toState with StatefulView
#13 opened by dukejones - 0
Undocumented features
#21 opened by sebpiq - 0
- 1
#16 opened by afeld - 14
Better support for initial state
#8 opened by sebpiq - 6
Change callback names
#11 opened by cgarvis - 0
Refactor transition lookup
#10 opened by sebpiq - 1
Put debugger in a separate file.
#4 opened by sebpiq - 1
Make declaring states optional
#7 opened by sebpiq - 1
Test against newest backbone
#3 opened by sebpiq - 1
pipe method between 2 state machines
#2 opened by sebpiq - 3
State machine events should be Backbone events
#1 opened by sebpiq