
How to get the combination of GPU, Apptainer/Singularity and PyTorch working on DelftBlue

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Combination of GPU, Apptainer/Singularity and PyTorch working on DelftBlue

Almost nothing in this repository is original. If you find something that is, then it is supplied under an MIT license.


Running on GPUs and using Apptainer on DelftBlue:

Apptainer general usage and GPUs:

Docker container:

PyTorch example:

Steps on DelftBlue

Move to your scratch directory, because this will take a lot of space. Make a temporary directory for Apptainer to use when building a .sif file from a Docker image.

cd /scratch/$USER
mkdir tmpdir

Set up Apptainer environment variables.

export APPTAINER_TMPDIR=/scratch/$USER/tmpdir
export APPTAINER_CACHEDIR=/scratch/$USER/.apptainer/cache

Adding these two export lines to the end of ~/.bashrc makes life easier.

Clone this repository and move into it:

git clone git@github.com:sebranchett/delftblue-gpu-apptainer-pytorch.git
cd delftblue-gpu-apptainer-pytorch

Find the version of the image you want to use. In my case it was pytorch:22.10-py3. Pull the (Docker) image with Apptainer.

apptainer pull docker://nvcr.io/nvidia/pytorch:22.10-py3

This took nearly 2 hours and produces a file pytorch_22.10-py3.sif.

Find your account on DelftBlue:

sacctmgr list -sp user $USER

You will probably have access to 'innovation' and your departmental account. In the quickstart.sh file, edit the line:

#SBATCH --account=research-uco-ict

to an account you have access to.

Submit the job:

sbatch quickstart.sh

The job only takes a couple of minutes, once it has started. On completion, the file quickstart.log should end with:

Saved PyTorch Model State to model.pth
Predicted: "Ankle boot", Actual: "Ankle boot"

as described in the PyTorch documentation.

Please help

In the slurm-nnnnnnn.out file I got:

13:4: not a valid test operator: (
13:4: not a valid test operator: 520.61.05

at the end. If anyone knows why, please let me know.

If you have corrections or improvements to this repository, please contribute an issue or a pull request. It would be much appreciated.