
R package for post-EWAS analysis and visualisation

Primary LanguageR

TKIepiR: Post-EWAS analysis and visualisation pipeline


This package includes all steps that we perform post-EWAS in the Diabetes & Obesity group at the Telethon Kids Institute. It contains Manhattan and Volcano plots, DMR with DMRcate, gene annotation and pathway analysis via methylGSA and missMethyl.


The package can be installed via the following command in R or RStudio:

devtools::install_github("Hobbeist/TKIepiR", build_vignettes=T)


This package includes the following functions:

  • annotateCpG()
  • ManhattanPlot()
  • VolcanoPlot()
  • DMRfinder()
  • geneSet()


Maintainer: Sebastian Rauschert Sebastian.Rauschert@telethonkids.org.au